Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Quote: They really just pop off and leave a little tiny spur. I don't do it fast I just carefully squeeze around the base of the spur I can hear it crack and it just pops off sometimes a little blood mostly it just looks raw but I do wait for the spur to be big before I remove it. I've been told it's like the bird loosing one on their own. I like it because they don't mind me doing it just part of regular grooming as I'm looking for critters dusting and putting VetX on the shanks. I use worm pills that I get from a Mexican friend that are called worm x they are ivermectin and Jeffers has pills for dogs that I use on my chickens too I was told to worm twice 10 days apart I do that 2 times a year unless I have them up for conditioning Melecio said to worm those birds every month. I do try and worm before it gets so hot or cold the first time as to not stress them too much. I don't much care for using my water for worming
They really just pop off and leave a little tiny spur. I don't do it fast I just carefully squeeze around the base of the spur I can hear it crack and it just pops off sometimes a little blood mostly it just looks raw but I do wait for the spur to be big before I remove it. I've been told it's like the bird loosing one on their own. I like it because they don't mind me doing it just part of regular grooming as I'm looking for critters dusting and putting VetX on the shanks. I use worm pills that I get from a Mexican friend that are called worm x they are ivermectin and Jeffers has pills for dogs that I use on my chickens too I was told to worm twice 10 days apart I do that 2 times a year unless I have them up for conditioning Melecio said to worm those birds every month. I do try and worm before it gets so hot or cold the first time as to not stress them too much. I don't much care for using my water for worming
Ok, now is the tiny spur bone, or flesh-like? With all these danged flies around here, I would fear infection or worse if it were fleshy.
THat's how it works. Glad the farmer understood!

All about being top dog! It's taken or earned, never given . . unless it's a black lab!! Started my boys on "training" dogs once they stood higher than my black lab. SUch a laid back dog--took a few orders, when he'd had enough he laid down. No matter how much tugging, that dog didn't move!
The dog out weighed the kid. THey learned a lot with that dog and then they were ready to handle the rotties.Great dogs, but only listen to the top dog! My boys had to earn that position. ( PS my rotties are all trained and know many commands, but they only respond to a strong leader!

I picked my first squash this morning!!
Sure hope my neighbors don't hear me yelling at the tomato plants! "HURRY UP! I WANT MAAAAATTTTEEEERRRRSSSS!!!!"
I am so envious!!
It's not fleshy looks like a new fingernail? If the birds were in muck as high as the spurs then it might be different I never had any flies bother it. I have another guy to do so I'll try to get before and after pics.
I have read the posts on spur cutting with interest. I was raised in a Gamefowl family where there were several hundred males that had to have spurs trimmed. The original way was to use a spur saw made for cutting spurs and several supply outfits sell these saws.

I myself have always used a Dog toenail popper, just leave about 1/2" and pop it off. Use a chalk stick on the end of spur.

I never liked the twisting the spur off as it leaves you open to someone saying you are faking. as the spur will heal up and look like a young cockeral. There have been cases where a cock bird has been showed as a young male because of small spur.

Everything I post is from experience and has nothing to do with reading an article in any kind of book.
Originally Posted by pinkchick


I have often thought of the potato method and everytime I bring it up or think about something is mentioned or commented on that it is really not the best way to go. Do you use this method? What are your thoughts on it and how do you like it compared to other methods you have used?
I never had a Marans male with spurs so never had to deal with it. Frankly, No spurs works for me.
The males I had were lusty and I didn't have to worry about the spurs. It seems to work for the English.
I don't keep an aggressive rooster. Have seen plenty of lovely birds which are also good-tempered.
I had one once which was mean. It got so I had to get him in the coop to clean the run and the run to clean the coop. What a pain.
Just doesn't sit right with me to battle a bird over him doing something which comes naturally, defending his space.
Yes, I believe a rooster can be a good quality sire without being mean.
I also think handling as a chick has something to do with the adult roos temperment. Not quite sure yet
how that all works out. Know there are exceptions to the rule, however there is enough consistancy in
the idea, I think it's worth exploring.
Yeah, I tried a mister one summer here too, they avoided it like the plague! My Marans do NOT like to get wet. If they are out ranging around and it starts, the next thing I know, they are all lined up under the roof on my front porch! Big sissies! I think that is what endears me to this breed, they remind me of my Dobermans. When it would rain, they would refuse to go outside to do their business. So I got crafty one morning, opened the back door and yelled, "here kitty, kitty!" All 6 of them went tearing out the door!!
Slammed it shut, and they all sat under the porch roof on the back porch whining like babies. it is hard to get my birds in when it rains....and don't even get me started on how much they love puddles. You'd think I have some duck mixed in and not just turkey! haha

Still gonna shoot for some pics of cockerels, but probably gonna have to bring them inside since its plenty windy today.
THat's how it works. Glad the farmer understood!

All about being top dog! It's taken or earned, never given . . unless it's a black lab!! Started my boys on "training" dogs once they stood higher than my black lab. SUch a laid back dog--took a few orders, when he'd had enough he laid down. No matter how much tugging, that dog didn't move!
The dog out weighed the kid. THey learned a lot with that dog and then they were ready to handle the rotties.Great dogs, but only listen to the top dog! My boys had to earn that position. ( PS my rotties are all trained and know many commands, but they only respond to a strong leader!

I am so envious!!
haha I hear you on the Rotts! Grew up with three males (not neutered) at different times through my childhood and boy did you have to stay on top of the training and be definite on commands. Loved them, but really do love the aussies built in desire to obey a bit more, rather than the Rotts always challenging.
They really just pop off and leave a little tiny spur. I don't do it fast I just carefully squeeze around the base of the spur I can hear it crack and it just pops off sometimes a little blood mostly it just looks raw but I do wait for the spur to be big before I remove it. I've been told it's like the bird loosing one on their own. I like it because they don't mind me doing it just part of regular grooming as I'm looking for critters dusting and putting VetX on the shanks. I use worm pills that I get from a Mexican friend that are called worm x they are ivermectin and Jeffers has pills for dogs that I use on my chickens too I was told to worm twice 10 days apart I do that 2 times a year unless I have them up for conditioning Melecio said to worm those birds every month. I do try and worm before it gets so hot or cold the first time as to not stress them too much. I don't much care for using my water for worming
I agree about not using the water for worming as the wormer is a poison and should not be left free choice for the fowl to drink as much as they would like.

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