Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Well, those ignorant moments we run into may be frustrating, but at least they're teachable moments.
Share a club website or name. Next time you see them , hopefully they have more (more correct) knowledge to share, smile.
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I drove 2 hours to our big feed store today and met two ladies who work there and also breed chickens. I always get excited when I meet people who I can talk chickens with in person. One of the ladies told me she is getting black copper marans sent to her. I got excited and asked where she is getting her birds from. was the answer.

She said she wants cuckoo marans too. I told her I have a blue cuckoo marans I want to give away and she said it is must be some sort of cross cuz cuckoos are only black.
I just smiled, bought my chicken feed and walked away bummed I hadn't really found someone to talk about chickens with. Sometimes I feel all alone out here..Lol... Thank god for BYC.
We all started at this point . . . . .Heck, 2 years ago I only knew of leghorns, brown eggs layers and the meat birds. One poultry class in college focused solely on the poultry industry.
Well, those ignorant moments we run into may be frustrating, but at least they're teachable moments.
Share a club website or name. Next time you see them , hopefully they have more (more correct) knowledge to share, smile.
THanks Karen for all the sharing you do . . . and everyone else who contributes by sharing their knowledge. I'm learning!
I drove 2 hours to our big feed store today and met two ladies who work there and also breed chickens. I always get excited when I meet people who I can talk chickens with in person. One of the ladies told me she is getting black copper marans sent to her. I got excited and asked where she is getting her birds from. was the answer.

She said she wants cuckoo marans too. I told her I have a blue cuckoo marans I want to give away and she said it is must be some sort of cross cuz cuckoos are only black.
I just smiled, bought my chicken feed and walked away bummed I hadn't really found someone to talk about chickens with. Sometimes I feel all alone out here..Lol... Thank god for BYC.

Ah shucks, that is too bad she wasn't up to snuff on her chickens. It is always nice to find a local--live person--chicken buddy.
lol... the thing is I am such a kindergartener in the chicken world. All I know is a few ABC's.
I need help! Instead I end up looking like a know it all so better to just not say anything. This is a small island, I don't want to get a bad rep.
Well Donna... Here is an updated photo show on those beautiful eggs I got from you. They hatched June 8\9...
A great mix of cuckoo, blue cuckoos, blacks, blues... a few olive eggers in there too... (I will show the first two at my first fair show end of the month!)

Try not to cringe at the mossy boy and the copper couckoo pullet... He is destined for the Table Roo coop and she to the layers...
Thanks again Donna... they really are beautiful and each one is different!
I think I have 2 roos that are breedable and a couple of girls...
Well Donna... Here is an updated photo show on those beautiful eggs I got from you. They hatched June 8\9...
A great mix of cuckoo, blue cuckoos, blacks, blues... a few olive eggers in there too... (I will show the first two at my first fair show end of the month!)

Try not to cringe at the mossy boy and the copper couckoo pullet... He is destined for the Table Roo coop and she to the layers...
Thanks again Donna... they really are beautiful and each one is different!
I think I have 2 roos that are breedable and a couple of girls...
They are getting so big!
Morning all

Late start here today, didn't sleep worth a hoot last night.

LOVE that Birchen boy Vicki!!! I'm like Donna, quit showing those pics!!

So far this morning, I have one pip in the bator, and of course, it's one of my eggs.
Still haven't got that sinking feeling yet in my gut, so will hold out hope for the Wheatens are few more days, or until they start stinking.

Sue, I had someone in my coop eating eggs too. I found with mine it was because one of the girls' eggs kept breaking when she laid it. That seemed to attract all of them over to a feeding frenzy! Put some padding in the bottom of the nest box, and the eggs quit cracking when she laid. I also try to feed mine some hard boiled eggs, at least once a month, and that seems to help with the taste for eggs, and they don't recognize them as eggs. I call them the "Legal Eggs", legal for the chooks to eat! You might try putting the golf balls in the nest boxes the next time they are all out. Put a lot of them in there, and maybe some even on the floor. Maybe if they peck enough and get nothing, after awhile they will see it's all in vain? Just a thought, and good luck! You might also try my hay bale trick too. They'll be so busy tearing that thing to shreds, they may not worry about the eggs? Can't hurt...
Mustard & salt didn't work.
Golf balls didn't work, they play with them.
I bought 3 roll out nests & they won't use them.
The coop floor is well cushioned with shavings. They have free choice oyster shell so I don't think its that. My 2 Leghorns in that coop are laying nice big eggs and they use the roll out nests, must be smarter...
Had a predator kill one, hoping it was the eater, it wasn't. Or I should say, they are all egg eaters. I caught them in the act. Even the rooster stayed around looking for more....I'm going to move them to a different coop & hope that it might divert their attention. Will try a hay bale, but even cabbage didn't stop them. I agree, those Marans eggs taste the best! LOL

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