Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Look at the soles of their feet not the dark leg.  The color of the SKIN is what you are looking for and that is on the FEET.  Are these crosses with the Prod Red or pure Marans?  If they Prod Red crosses all the feet will be yellow from that roo. 
the crosses were a production red hen with this male. All the chicks have dark legs and feet. I will have to find a yellow legged roo. He is the only one I have besides the young ones in the grow pen which are bcm as well
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You can use him in the test matings. He has yellow skin so he has 2 copies of the genes and will pass that off to 100% of the chicks. If any hens are carriers it will show with him. Don't sell the chicks as marans....... please
You can use him in the test matings.  He has yellow skin so he has 2 copies of the genes and will pass that off to 100% of the chicks.  If any hens are carriers it will show with him.   Don't sell the chicks as marans....... please :fl
well that's good to Where did the yellow come from ? Also I am going to have to find some good quality chicks or eggs this spring. No one around here has them or doesn't like them. I have decided that I want to help with this breed and that's why I ask so many questions. And I am one that wants to not only keep type but have the darkest eggs as well. Wow what have I decided to take
Barb, What I have to relay to you is very simple when I explain, we will talk at Columbus.

Lisa, Will send you a long email tomorrow explaining where you can possibly go from now into the future, What do you want to breed Black Copper or Blue Copper or both. Believe me there is a correct way to make the matings.

Don, why not post this in the forum so ANYONE who has the black copper & blue copper birds can know your advice? I guess I don't understand the need to be so secretive. Please do share what you believe to be the best way to go about this. (I do not have anything other than Black Copper, but I am definitely interested in hearing, as this could benefit other breeds as well.)
A few words to share. I am fairly new to chickens and absolutely love it. I love my Marans. I joined this community to gain more knowledge and to meet others with the same passion as me. Before I go further into the reason of my post let me tell you a little more about myself. Take it or leave it. I have spent 5 yrs In the Military as a Sniper and also have spent over 10 yrs In Law Enforcement. I have been in some nasty and real negative environments. I have accomplished a great many things, seen a lot, done a lot and have been to the lowest of lows.

So why am I bringing this up in a chicken thread? Lets go back to the word community. When I first started to post in this thread I was apprehensive because of some negative posts. I wanted honest opinions, and I wasnt afraid of negative comments and shouldn't have to. Though I have personally met fantastic people, and a great person from here, that has taken out of their time (thank you Wynette). I have read through this thread in the short time here, with utter disappointment with the shear lack of respect to fellow posters. Especially new people. I can see the clicks and attitudes directed at outsiders. New people who post a few times and get run out to never come back. This is unacceptable behavior.

Certain individuals, though being really knowledgeable, try to assert themselves as the be all of poultry. Why are you placing yourself into a position of a teacher while you disrespect and run off your students? Lead by example in your statements and behavior. If you want to remain being a grump, keep it to yourself. In order to be a leader you also have to strive to learn new things. If you think you know it all, I got news for you, you don't. Also karma is a Bi***! You will have it come back to you. So with this said, Im not up for the drama. I have had enough in my life.

If this is what all of you want BYC to be than feel free. Its sad certain individuals spoil the fun, community, friendship, knowledge, and love we all have for our birds into something bad. For those really great and helpful people, thank you. For those that seek to ruin it for others? I hope you eventually get kicked out of here or you realize what you are doing. Take care. I will not be back unless things change.

I find there are clicks on most of the threads on BYC. It just goes with the territory.
People instinctively form relationships with others that share common schools of thought.
I think we should be able to disagree with each other without insulting each others.

I, also, believe we have to accept that other people will communicate in a different style than we would personally.
Some are BLUNT and some like to take the time to dress up what they say.

I like to keep the conversations centered firmly on marans and leave the personality issues out of it. There are few breeders out there that are truly knowledgable. Those that do know something are rarely willing to share it with the public at large. If you find a resource, a valuable resource, accept it in any package it comes in. . . . An educational book with a nasty ripped cover is still a valuable resource that you do not toss aside simply because it offends your sense of beauty. What is inside that book is what counts....

We are all grown ups here. We should be capable of ignoring those that offend us and responding to the ones we get along with. However, we should ask or expect others to suddenly change and become something they have never been.....
This is a tough one, to be sure. I have a bit of a different perspective as a moderator here (although you ALL know that I do not/will not moderate any of the Marans threads by now). Both of you have made good points, and we can all take a few grains from each, in my opinion.

I have had many folks (yes, "many") PM me to let me know they won't be back to the Marans threads due to the abrasive nature of some of the folks. They've even sent notes to other moderators saying folks are "bullies" here, and that some are condescending and cruel. BUT - pay attention here - this happens with almost all of the breed threads. Believe me, I know. Does that make it right? Probably not. Will it ever change? Probably not. So, you need to make a decision as to whether you're getting enough good information to make wading through the negativity worthwhile to you.

Math, I like your book anology; however, if that same old & valuable book had toxic goo on the cover, you might think twice about picking it up, and look to find a different source of good information. There is not just one "book" out there, after all. Then again, you might try and figure out a way to get to the information while protecting some thick gloves? (okay, this is probably all sounding hokey, and I'm sorry for that.)

From my personal perspective, I wish each "side" would give a little. In my years as a moderator here, most definitely I've made mistakes - I'm human. I've learned along the way to give folks second & third chances. That's just my nature.

I'd like to share something that I feel is pretty personal with you guys, because I appreciate each & every one of you and I think it's pertinent to this discussion. When folks are reported for being mean to others, I'm usually the first to offer, in our Staff section during discussion, to work with the member. We, as moderators, certainly don't have to do this; but I have found that many folks don't even realize that they're being perceived as negative, bullying, whatever. I have had more members than not be utterly shocked when I ask them if they realize it. I have found that 95% of the time, it's all in the delivery of the information. I've seen folks as cranky as a July day is hot make complete turnarounds. I've also had folks tell me "I don't give a fat rat's *** what anyone thinks of me, if they don't like it, they can lump it." I find it sad and feel badly for the person who replies in this way, and I think those folks are surely unhappy in other areas of their lives. But, I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that even the folks who tell me to take a hike feel they have really good information to share. 100% of them.

Something else: BYC was not intended to be a breeder forum. Hence the name of the site. I'm one who has really pushed to have areas like the breed threads, because I know for a fact they are helpful. Most of you are members of other forums (I certainly am) that are JUST designed to talk about breeding, genetics, and other related things. If you go look at those forums, sure, you can get good information and answers to your questions. However, you won't find, IMO, a community there. You won't make those lasting online (and even in person) friendships like you will on an all-encompasing forum like BYC. So, I guess the best word of advice that I can offer is to take those folks with a grain of salt that bother you. Type a note to the person and then don't send it when they get your goat. But, if you can find a way to communicate with them, the information and advice you'll get will help your flock - and in the end, isn't that what these breed threads are about?
Here are the eggs I am getting from my oldest Splash Copper hen, Darryl. Much to my disappointment the other 2 splash girls have not started laying yet, I so can't wait to see their eggs.

Here are the eggs I am getting from my oldest Splash Copper hen, Darryl. Much to my disappointment the other 2 splash girls have not started laying yet, I so can't wait to see their eggs.
VERY nice!
LOVIN that super round one at the top!
If you go look at those forums, sure, you can get good information and answers to your questions. However, you won't find, IMO, a community there. You won't make those lasting online (and even in person) friendships like you will on an all-encompasing forum like BYC. So, I guess the best word of advice that I can offer is to take those folks with a grain of salt that bother you. Type a note to the person and then don't send it when they get your goat. But, if you can find a way to communicate with them, the information and advice you'll get will help your flock - and in the end, isn't that what these breed threads are about?
Wynette, I have visited those other forums. I found them to be less user friendly and I didn't feel the sense of community there. You will still find folks who speak their minds and speak them bluntly on those forums. I have visited other threads on BYC pertaining to my other breeds and have found some folks to be abrasive on those threads too. There is NO GETTING AROUND it.

The soft spoken and gentle folks have to look past the way things are said by others to determine the intent of the post. I agree that most of the time, a rough spoken post is not meaning to bully. It is just a reflection of the nature of the person, where and how they were raised. You can go to the South and get greeted with Hi ya'll! You can go into the cities and get flipped off for just looking at somebody wrong. I've been to the west, specifically the New Mexico area, and found those folks cold and standoffish. I've met folks from Ohio and found them to be pushy. Don't get me wrong, I have some good friends from the Ohio area, but they are have very strong personalities. Folks are just different. They speak different and act different, BUT behind it all there are some REAL BIG HEARTS... BIG Givers to the BYC community.

There are folks on BYC who rub me wrong EVERY TIME I try to communicate with them. Go Figure! I've watched these same folks joke and get along great with others and yet when it comes to me, I leave the thread so peed off I could scream
I can't click with them no matter how hard I try. However, at the end of day BYC is so LARGE and there are so many knowledgable people out there, that I DON'T have to deal with those people. I can go around them. If you can't find a way to communicate with some of the folks on BYC, GO AROUND THEM... There are many BYC marans threads... There are many knowledgable folks on each thread. BUILD your relationships with the folks you do click with.

I know this is going to sound really strange... BUT here goes... The few folks on BYC that really get under my skin are friends with some of my dearest friends on BYC. I can not speak directly to the person in the know because the way they speak irks me so bad. However, I can speak to our mutual friends and they can get the information that I need without me getting agravated. Once again, the people who aggravate me are good people, they have really good hearts, they really care about the breed, and they know their stuff. I know these folks aren't trying to bring out the red head temper in me, but dang if they don't manage to do it. So, I use the mutual friends to get my information for me... It goes back to your last comment...

But, if you can find a way to communicate with them, the information and advice you'll get will help your flock - and in the end, isn't that what these breed threads are about?

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