Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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Patty, If you lived closer I'd give him to you. I've got a younger one that's a real "up and comer." Anyway, when the weather cools off a bit, I'll send you out a batch of eggs out of the pen that I'm moving him to. You have helped me out in the past, and I appreciate it.

He is a real looker though. I have a lot of flashy roos here, Mille Fleur D'uccles, and BBS Standard Cochins, but it seems like most of my visitors here always end up fixated on that blue copper roo.

I believe that he comes out of Krebs/Grisham stock.

I wish you lived closer. Your birds are gorgeous as are the rest of everyones on here. I would be interested in some eggs in the future.
Well, my SECOND hatch of marans appears to be a bust. The dogs unplugged my fans last week and the temps skyrocketed into the ungodly zone (120's), there don't appear to be any survivors. I'll give them a couple more days of vain hope. Tomorrow I'm having the root canal. That'll top my week as I sit here looking at silent, non-moving gorgeous dark eggs, again. It suits the mood.

So much for any color of marans, out of two hatches I have ONE baby BC maran who thinks he's a turkey. There were 9 good eggs when the temp ramped... sigh.

That is just horrible... I am so sorry you lost your eggs. I have quit incubating for the summer because I was afraid of the heat waves due to happen soon. I don't have AC in my house, other than little window ones for a given room and even though I will chance long odds, those odds just seemed too long for me. So sorry for your loss. Sometimes it is SO hard to get a start in a breed. This spring I bought BLRW eggs three times. Zero. Same for Welsummers. I hatched one Sebastopol goose after losing a dozen eggs in the bator and gave it back to the lady that gave me the egg. Sorry, not trying to hijack your thread, it's just that when I say I feel your pain, I do. Not your exact pain, but pretty close.
It's the same pain, no matter the breed really. I was so jazzed that nine of the twelve were good, then the fans... and there it went.

It looks like the less developed silkie/sizzle eggs that were on a lower shelf (hence cooler) some of those survived, seven were moving when candled today.

I'll run the marans eggs til the silkies hatch just because it's hard to just give up.

I end up wishing you could will an egg to live at times.

Hatching is always part of both worlds, joy and grief. I don't like the sad parts but I know there will be joy again. In general I have great hatches. I have bad hatches when ___ happens. That's life.

Thanks for all the well wishes and hope. I'll try again in fall. But I can't get the GCMs in state... sigh. I will get wheatens in state this fall. And more poor BC turkey will just have to adjust. LOL
Hey, if some made it, the marans might have... you just cant see inside the egg. Let 'em try, can't hurt. I have had some very pleasant surprises from my marans eggs after temp spikes.
I'm going to let them run and I accepted an offer for some test delawares just because I don't want to end on an ugly note okay and ended up with an antique bator to test...
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