Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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Nice job 60 acres! Bet that was quite a nerve racking experience. You never know what you are getting into with chickens lol. Chicken nurse midwife, surgeon, nutritionist, physical therapist, etc etc
certainly possible it is too much calcium as I had them on layer for a month now as the older hens were getting thin eggs and would not eat enough of the free choice oyster shell that was intended to supliment their calcium intake while I had the pullets living with them and was feeding grower/develper.

could be stress to as they dont seem to like to be mated with much yet although they live a good life and free range a lot of the day.

yesterdays egg was not dull but I dont know if it the same pullet or not I wanted to wait until I started getting a lot of eggs before I seperated them in order to determine which hen was laying which egg.
60 acres .... I recall reading a thread that Pine Grove (an experienced poultry breeder) wrote in, and he said to feed tomatoe juice also. Just thought I would pass on that tidbit of information.
AHappyChick - I had two pullets (Fitzgerald breeding) that now lay an awesome and VERY dark egg; however, when they both started (yes, BOTH - only hatched 4 pullets in that hatch, 2 weren't good for breeding), the eggs were very dark but matte. I was perplexed, because the hatching eggs weren't like that. However, after about a month, they are now nice & glossy, as they should be!
Chick weed.

I had let them out one sunny day, most of them were just pecking around at grass and stuff, but I guess she got a taste for the good stuff! It was one long piece, stem and all, about 9 inches long.

*at least I sure hope that was it.


eta: Thanks for all of your support, I can't wait to get home tonight to see how she is doing.
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Ok so what do I do with my cull's, does everyone sell them at the auction or on craigslist or what. And what do you say do you say they are your culls or what? Ive given them to friends and now its time to go beyond..
I have done the craigslist thing, it works for me. I make sure they know that they are not welcome in my breeding pens. I only get rid of Roos, I have a "laying" pen that provides me with eating eggs.
I think it is one girl one roo boy too. I did get a suprise with one of my blue copper girls though. When she was little she had a comb early and these HUGE legs and feet. She even stood like a roo and was bossy. I thought she was a he for sure. I was really shocked when her comb quit growing and she started filling out like a girl. She is really girly looking now and real laid back. Go figure!
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