March 2023 hatch-a-long

Congratulations! What type are the black ones? We've got a couple just come out that look similar that we're not sure what they are :)
Mine are ALL barnyard mixes. Parent and grandparent breeds are Black Australorp, RIR, BPR, and a bit of EE, Ameracauna, and Leghorn.
The black chicks from my hatches generally turn out to be barred or solid black.
This group is likely all from one rooster I call "Goldie", who is black with a beautiful gold mane and saddle feathers. There might be a few from "Roofuss", a cockerel who was just reaching full maturity, who is red with a few stray black feathers.
I also lost power early on in this hatch, but i live in a cold climate and I’m hatching shipped eggs. I think it MIGHT have contributed to a couple of early quitters (blood rings) but you never know with shipped eggs (had a lot of scrambled eggs in that shipment despite being really well packed) I’m sure your eggs will be better off since you’re in Florida! 🤞
Thank you. I hope at least some survive. Now I'm worried about the smoke inhalation of my older chickens though.
Lost a chick, first one from this batch. It died while zipping. It pipped about 15-16 hours ago, and was halfway through the zip, doing fine I thought. Came back an hour later to check, and it was dead. Just stopped zipping. Fully formed, in the right position, no deformities I can see. Darn.

So far .... that's 26 chicks successful and all done in the big wire brooder with the heat plate, 1 all done but still drying off and resting in the little brooder, and 2 in intensive care in the big incubator by themselves (hatched, but still absorbing yolk and drying off).

Of the 5 eggs remaining in the little incubator, there are 2 maybes (one pipped and resting, one no pip but it's wiggling), and 3 questionable with no pips yet.

My husband and I have been taking turns in shifts to tend to them - for the last 2 days and nights. I've gotta find a better way to get all of them to hatch closer to the same time!

Out of 35 eggs that made it to Day 21 alive. Almost to the finish line ...... It's Day 22, just got to get these last 5 to hatch!
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The barnyard mix eggs I got a few weeks ago have started hatching. I got 48 originally (for a whopping $12! They were listed as eating eggs, but I confirmed the hens were housed with roosters) and lost a few along the way, as well over a dozen that weren't fertilized. Sitting at 22 eggs right now, with three external pips as some interiors.

Due to weird weather causing me not to be able to keep my incubator at a steady temp (I live in a trailer and heat with electric space heaters), I'm just glad some have made it through.

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