If he does indeed have Marek's disease you other birds already have been exposed. It's every where.
Youur chicks have already been exposed...it's carried on your clothes.
They should be fine since they were vaccinated.
It isn't the end of the world, just only bring home vaccinated chicks from now on.
(if it is Marek's which I'd bet money it is)
Thanks, good to know. I think I won’t hatch anymore
The only way to know if its mareks is to have the bird necropsied. It looks like mareks. Sadly, I have it in my birds. Usually in the later stages they do get a weird green poo that has a stronger smell. In the beginning I did a lot of research and tried a lot of things. I could keep them going a while sometimes but the ending was always the same. I also found it unnecessarily put the other birds at risk because it is so contagious. Now, I just put them down ASAP, not only for the sake of the others, but also because its emotionally easier than putting so much into a bird then have to put it down.

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