MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!

love those goosers! when you test again I should perhaps get some eggies from ya! I have an elderly couple that lost their flock as this weather this years messed them up, the pond froze in one night at thanksgiving and the cyotes killed them all but two, she was devestated. They are both heading into their 80's and love watching and caring for the "easy" critters... I swore I would get her some a great person close by let her come grab some of hers, but I dont think its the kind she has, she loves them nonetheless but still I will hatch her some babies at some point!
What is the target ship date for the next round to fill your bator?
I've moved everyone for breeding last sunday and am starting to get eggs from the huge overdue to lay pullets so I'm trying to figure out what days to collect to ship your way...

We'll have to figure out a date that will work good weather wise. Can always do a staggered run again too
love those goosers! when you test again I should perhaps get some eggies from ya! I have an elderly couple that lost their flock as this weather this years messed them up, the pond froze in one night at thanksgiving and the cyotes killed them all but two, she was devestated.  They are both heading into their 80's and love watching and caring for the "easy" critters...  I swore I would get her some a great person close by let her come grab some of hers, but I dont think its the kind she has, she loves them nonetheless but still I will hatch her some babies at some point! 

There is a guy near me who sells his eggs astoundingly cheap. I also bought babies from him very cheap last year. He has a mixed flock of toulouse, embden, african & chinese all interbreeding so no telling for sure what the babies will look like but I would be happy to pick her up some babies this spring if she likes. He let me have eggs for $3/doz & babies at $5 each. Had to catch the little suckers myself but no big deal when you have kids to chase them.
We'll have to figure out a date that will work good weather wise. Can always do a staggered run again too
ok. I'm in Middle TN so not as much cold forecast here as others will get this wkend.

I just put 5 eggs in the bator, these are from the Huge pullets who are just starting to lay, the eggs are Large :)
The issue is I pulled the CL Roo Prince out last Sunday, so I'm not sure if the girls got covered, he was 100% w/ all those laying in the fall, but I'm not sure if these pullets were mature enough last wk for him to notice, I'll be able to see a blush in them by day 3 if yes, so I'll collect all the eggs meanwhile to hold for you in case these test ones are good.

Sadly the first 10 HBR are not fertile, so I've got to trim some butt feathers and try again on those...

I saw GoodKingHenry (CL Roo) cover the older CL pullet today, but so far no eggs in that pen (4CL pullets, 1 SpcSux, 1BOrp) ...

I will need someone to PM me the mailing address to get you eggs :)
There is a guy near me who sells his eggs astoundingly cheap. I also bought babies from him very cheap last year. He has a mixed flock of toulouse, embden, african & chinese all interbreeding so no telling for sure what the babies will look like but I would be happy to pick her up some babies this spring if she likes. He let me have eggs for $3/doz & babies at $5 each. Had to catch the little suckers myself but no big deal when you have kids to chase them.
Sign me up for a doz of his goose eggs in May!

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