MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!

Let me know how they're doing please. And I hope y'all get everything worked out soon!

Just got to the house. 2 have hatched so far :) decided to leave them ventricle this time and leave them in the cartons. Just added wet paper towels to get the humidity up. Good news is they are dragging concrete slabs under the trailer and fingers crossed they might try to reset the trailer later today.

ETA: 1 more is zipping 2 more have pipped
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Just got to the house. 2 have hatched so far :) decided to leave them ventricle this time and leave them in the cartons. Just added wet paper towels to get the humidity up. Good news is they are dragging concrete slabs under the trailer and fingers crossed they might try to reset the trailer later today.

ETA: 1 more is zipping 2 more have pipped

Hope they get your trailer foundation all set today!!!

I have 10 H. BR in the bator checking fertility (I actually saw the Roo cover 1 hen in the time frame, but at a distance I'm not sure if it was the hen who is laying or the one who is not)

Also, 6Blue & 1 Mint Green EE eggs (under GoodKingHenry CL Roo) these will be fertile I'm certain as I hatched some tiny first pullet eggs in early Jan, the chicks were fine but very very small so I want to see what I get now that the eggs have sized up. These 2 pullets are mutt EEs but they have been laying GREAT all winter, 4-6 eggs/week even during the nastiest polar votex crazy stuff.

?MCF -- these are _very_ barnyard mutt mix EEs under a pure CL, I just want to be sure you are good w/ that.

Also, I have not less than 10 pullets who are turning red, should start to lay any day, wide variety of barnyard crosses to include any of ( Ame, Cochin, Eng Orp, BCM, SFH, and pure pullets of CL, SFH, Spex Sux, & 1 hatchery Buff Orp) , some of these missed starting to lay in the fall so are huge hen looking pullets, if the eggs are good sized are you ok w/ these being pullet eggs?

Also hens : hatchery Del, SexLink, EE

These are all under pure CL Roo so resulting chicks you get would be laying blue/green/olive but be basically EE mutts.

I know you've gotten quite a few lovely purebreds as well as some barnyard mixes already, so I won't be offended if you aren't interested in this mixed basket of layers but I do expect to be able to collect a good box worth of eggs soon so let me know if I should send them to you or start making pickled eggs w/ the extras ;P
Stupid ***** phone browser keeps crapping out on me every time I get the data typed in.

Montana - two of yours have hatched so far. Both the white eggs if I remember correctly.

Michael - so far 7 have hatched from your batch.

I didn't send any white eggs...all brown....but then I read the next post you made regarding the eggs:

Msladyhawk 6 hatched 1 culled.
Pennyhen 8 made it to lockdown 1 hatched
Montanadolphin 10 to lockdown 4 hatched
roostereggs 6 to lockdown 3 hatched
Sally 9 to lockdown 4 hatched
Michael 10 to lockdown 7 hatched

Will try to post more tonight. Guys are here with the auger to put some tiedowns in the ground

I'm glad some of mine hatched for it wasn't more out of the two dozen that I sent, but hey...with the cold weather etc, I guess we're lucky any hatched at all!!
Hope they get your trailer foundation all set today!!!

I have 10 H. BR in the bator checking fertility (I actually saw the Roo cover 1 hen in the time frame, but at a distance I'm not sure if it was the hen who is laying or the one who is not)

Also, 6Blue & 1 Mint Green EE eggs (under GoodKingHenry CL Roo) these will be fertile I'm certain as I hatched some tiny first pullet eggs in early Jan, the chicks were fine but very very small so I want to see what I get now that the eggs have sized up. These 2 pullets are mutt EEs but they have been laying GREAT all winter, 4-6 eggs/week even during the nastiest polar votex crazy stuff.

?MCF -- these are _very_ barnyard mutt mix EEs under a pure CL, I just want to be sure you are good w/ that.

Also, I have not less than 10 pullets who are turning red, should start to lay any day, wide variety of barnyard crosses to include any of ( Ame, Cochin, Eng Orp, BCM, SFH, and pure pullets of  CL, SFH, Spex Sux, & 1 hatchery Buff Orp)  , some of these missed starting to lay in the fall so are huge hen looking pullets, if the eggs are good sized are you ok w/ these being pullet eggs? 

Also hens : hatchery Del, SexLink, EE

These are all under pure CL Roo so resulting chicks you get would be laying blue/green/olive but be basically EE mutts.

I know you've gotten quite a few lovely purebreds as well as some barnyard mixes already, so I won't be offended if you aren't interested in this mixed basket of layers but I do expect to be able to collect a good box worth of eggs soon so let me know if I should send them to you or start making pickled eggs w/ the extras ;P

They sound good to me :)

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