MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!

They sound good to me
ok, got some pics yesterday finally, here is the CL Roo "GoodKingHenry" still in quarantine pen (w/ 2EE girls) in pic. but this week he gets out to cover my CL gals plus some brown egg layers.
(he does have a touch of frostbite, my other CL Roos is loosing his entire comb and half his waddle to frostbite and is sadly no longer photo worthy)

This is the 2 daily eggs from the EE pullets w/ GKH (one blue one green) plus the daily HBR ,
these EE pullets are my own total mutts who have kept GHK warm and layed eggs all winter
the eggs are med-large now and have hatched 75% pullets so far.

Here are the H BR, had to recharge flashlight so couldn't candle yesterday, will peek tonight to see if we have fertility on eggs

The grow out flock, all the pullets are coloring up this week so the pullets in the other group who are 3 months older should also start laying (slackers didn't start in late fall hence why the not pictured pullets are full hen sized already)

60 eggs in bator #1
I candled yesterday & had development in about half the ancona, 1 polish & most of the rainbow layers. Couldn't see anything in the 2 turkey yet.

29 more eggs set today in bator #2. Had to set tutors for the turkeys from the first batch, just in case they DO hatch. Which means I'll also have to add another batch of chicks in about 5 days to tutor the poults set today. Hmmm...I need my 3rd bator out of

I have a new pair of calls shipping tomorrow so will start hatching calls soon too.

Hoping fertility checks ok on the annies & turkeys by the 1st so I can ship a batch to MCF on the 3rd. Going to try to get some polish & rainbow layers in the box too.
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60 eggs in bator #1
I candled yesterday & had development in about half the ancona, 1 polish & most of the rainbow layers. Couldn't see anything in the 2 turkey yet.

29 more eggs set today in bator #2. Had to set tutors for the turkeys from the first batch, just in case they DO hatch. Which means I'll also have to add another batch of chicks in about 5 days to tutor the poults set today. Hmmm...I need my 3rd bator out of

I have a new pair of calls shipping tomorrow so will start hatching calls soon too.

Hoping fertility checks ok on the annies & turkeys by the 1st so I can ship a batch to MCF on the 3rd. Going to try to get some polish & rainbow layers in the box too.

EGGS!'s it going?

Hiya! Exciting stuff here! Got a trio of barred rocks and 5 FBCM (1 roo 4 hens) last Friday! Hey MCF, you want any BR mix (jersey Gian went to freezer camp for trying to spur my 2yo) or some Marans when they lay? Heck, I can throw in BLRW and silkies too.
I got chickens for Valentine's Day. How romantic! Lol.
Hiya! Exciting stuff here! Got a trio of barred rocks and 5 FBCM (1 roo 4 hens) last Friday! Hey MCF, you want any BR mix (jersey Gian went to freezer camp for trying to spur my 2yo) or some Marans when they lay? Heck, I can throw in BLRW and silkies too.
I got chickens for Valentine's Day. How romantic! Lol.
YAY!!!! so where de pics of them!! ha ha!!

my daughter wants two silkie hens to add to her serama, I wish you were npip
npip is annoying me lol

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