marmite on toast!!!

mike kirby

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 22, 2007
i was talking to a friend recently n he said that his grandad used to feed chickens marmite on toast or bread because it is high in vitamin b!!! does anyone else do this?? and does any1 feed their chucks any strange things!!
LOL. Yeah. I had to look it up too... and came across a very weird site... still.. what is it exactally?

Edit: Google define: Marmite is a dark-brown coloured savoury spread made from the yeast extract a by-product of the brewing industry. It has a strong, slightly salty flavour. You either "love it or hate it". Can be eaten spread thinly on toast.

Uh... wonder if I'd like it.
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im from england!!!
marmite is ....... welll....... disgustin!!! its a spread that you put on toast or bead!! it smells n makes your breathe smell!!! but is apparently a high source of vitamin b!!! cant believe you have never herd of it!! it was a big thing at one point in england!!
I'd heard of it, but have never seen it in stores, let alone tasted it.
Marmite isn't in your basic U.S. food market aisle. Kind of like vegemite from Australia.

Sounds like an aquired taste anyway!
Most disgusting tasting stuff known to mankind! I got to try some when I was in the Navy and we made a stop in Australia. Took at least a six-pack of beer to get that taste out of my mouth (unfortunately all the beer the rest of the night didn't help me forget that nasty taste!). I suppose it's an acquired taste, but if the chicks/chickens will eat it, I don't see what would be wrong with giving them any as a treat since as the OP says it *is* good for you.
A British relative of mine survived prisoner of war camp in WW2 because, he claimed, he had a jar of marmite in his pocket that he slowly ate. It is, apparently, very high in B vitamins.

(or as the British would say: "vittamins"!)

I think it tastes TERRIBLE, but it is an aquired taste!

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