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I just read an interesting book Mum picked up for Little Sis from the library (she really likes gory, magic books) It was called, Odd and the Frost Giants. I don't think Mum had any idea what it was, she just new we liked Frost Giants and it was the sort of book Little Sis would read.
So, I see the book. It isn't a picture book, though it has pictures. It isn't a novel either, it didn't take me very long to read. I thought it was a Viking book. I read it, and soon I am plunged into Norse Mytholigy. I keep reading, it isn't a very long book, and it has all the Asardians, Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya (Frigga)...So.
I am reading this Norse Rall Tale, and it is about how a Frost Giant is cheated by the gods nd killed by Thor with Mjolnir, his brother seeks revenge, so he comes and tricks Loki. Odin, Thor and Loki are turned into An eagle, bear and fox respectably. Loki finds, Odd, a Viking boy, he comes and convinces the Frost Giant to go back to Jotunheim, then Freya turns them all back to how they were and Odd goes home, this is the story more or less.

The characters are put here very similar to the MCU, and this book is written before the MCU. Thor is loud and brash, Odin is old and 'wise' and Loki is an irritating trickster who had been born a very small Frost Giant, so he was teased, so he left, saved Odin in his travels, and came to live as the god of Mischief. Freya and Odin are not married, and they aren't Thor and Loki's parents, Thor and Loki aren't brothers, Thor is married to Sif (which I think is Loki's fault in another story). It is different, but similar.
There is, however, frequent mentioning of some other adventure the gods had, that I am sure would have been fine at the time it was invented however many hundreds of years ago, but is horrifyingly 'adult themed' these days. It shouldn't even be heard of among grown ups. It isn't outrightly mentioned, but people over 12 can piece it together and it is aweful. I am not sure it even happened in all the different variations of the myths. I am not mentioning it as it is to graffic.
This is a KIDS book people! Seriously!
Apart from that, which I am now trying to wipe from my mind, it was an alright story, and it whiled away about 30-45 minutes. I am just surprised how similar the gods are to the THOR movies, (except Thor and Loki both have red hair for some reason, though Loki's is darker and he still has shifty green eyes, which are mentioned several times) and all the names are the same too. Like, Bifrost and Midgard. So, it was interesting.
Oh, BTW, Freya and Frigg are different characters in Norse Mythology. Frigg is still Odin's wife and the queen, but she isn't Thor's mother. She's his step mother.
Thor is also Odin's youngest, not his oldest.
Loki isn't Thor's adoptive brother, he's Odin's half brother.
Odin is half Frost Giant.
And yeah, Norse myths are really dark XD
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Oh, BTW, Freya and Frigg are different characters in Norse Mythology. Frigga is still Odin's wife and the queen, but she isn't Thor's mother. She's his step mother.
Thor is also Odin's youngest, not his oldest.
Loki isn't Thor's adoptive brother, he's Odin's half brother.
Odin is half Frost Giant.
And yeah, Norse myths are really dark XD
Really? Well, you know even more than me! :)
Yep, I wouldn't make a habit of reading them! :sick

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