Marvel Studios chat thread!

So is Sleipnir (An eight legged horse that Odin owns, and that Loki actually mothered (ThankyouverymuchNorseMyththat'snotweirdatall)), Narfi, and Vali.

Accurate XD

IKR. I mean, THIS is a list of his powers:
As a Frost Giant and Laufey's son, Loki possessed superhuman attributes such as abnormal strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina and reflexes and had been shown to be a powerful combatant. He learned to use Asgardian sorcery from Frigga, which, in addition to his cunning, manipulative and strategic mind, made Loki one of the most dangerous foes an individual could ever face in battle.


Loki's true nature as a Frost Giant

Frost Giant Physiology: Since Loki had been enchanted to look like an Asgardian, Loki's Frost Giant features only came out when he was in contact with Frost Giant magic, such as when he utilized the Casket of Ancient Winters or when he was afflicted with the Frost Giants' touch.

"This guy packs a wallop."
Captain America[src]
  • Superhuman Strength: Loki possessed considerable superhuman strength, and thus he had overpowered humans, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and the enhanced human Captain America with little effort, had easily defeated multiple Frost Giants, Dark Elves and Berserkers, effortlessly lifted Tony Stark off his feet, and even handled an Infinity Stone without being harmed. However, Loki's strength is still outclassed by that of Hulk, Valkyrie, his adopted brother Thor, and Thanos. Athough he was able to fight Valkyrie on nearly equal grounds by matching her strength with his own skill, speed, and agility before she overpowered him, he was completely unable to resist Thanos, who effortlessly overpowered and lifted him off his feet with no strain even as Loki struggled to break free. He was also unable to fight Hulk, who effortlessly lifted him off his feet and repeatedly pummeled and defeated him within seconds. When wielding the Scepter, which contained an Infinity Stone, and Gungnir, Loki managed to go toe-to-toe with and even pressure a Mjolnir-wielding Thor in a fight, albeit he was ultimately defeated even when Thor was holding back.
  • Superhuman Durability: Loki has shown himself to be extremely durable to injuries, further augmented by his armor. Hence, Loki only flinched after getting shot in the face with a pistol, and was not at all affected by assault rifle rounds to his torso. Loki also barely reacted to a jab to the face from Captain America, and even a full force kick to the face from the latter that made Loki stumble back, only hurt him slightly. However, sufficiently powerful weapons, such as Iron Man's repulsors, Hawkeye's explosive arrows, and a deflected shot from his own Scepter, were at least able to cause Loki pain and leave minor marks. Loki's durability was implied to be far greater than that of a normal Frost Giant, as he was able to take multiple mighty blows from Valkyrie, and even Hulk and Thor without any fatal damage. In addition, as a Frost Giant, Loki was immune to the extreme cold of Jotunheim. He also managed to safely touch the Tesseract without being harmed and even endure Thanos's grip on his neck long enough to defiantly threaten him that he will never be a god, although he quickly died. However, Loki's endurance and durability were shown to be considerably lesser than that of Thor, as seen when Loki was completely wiped out by Hulk's attack, yet Thor managed to recover from the same attack moments later, without any visible injuries and this was later shown when Thor survived being badly beaten and even having his head squeezed by Thanos while Loki was easily killed by Thanos when he snapped his neck without any effort. He could also survive in the vacuum of space unfazed.
  • Superhuman Speed: Loki's lack of strength compared to his brother is compensated for his speed, he was fast enough to catch Hawkeye's arrow in mid-flight, inches away from his neck. He also used his speed in his fight against Captain America, during which he easily gained the upper hand, at one point even smashing Captain America's Shield to the ground. Loki's speed even allowed him to contend with stronger opponents, such as Valkyrie and Thor, by outmaneuvering them, though he still ultimately lost such fights and Thor was holding back against Loki each and every time they fought and once Loki angered his brother in their second fight, Thor was able to easily catch Loki off-guard and beat him without Loki being able to react, implying Loki's speed is inferior to Thor when Thor held nothing back.
  • Superhuman Agility: Loki had shown immense agility and reflexes, defeating several Dark Elves at once by using swift and agile movements, and keeping up with the stronger Valkyrie for the majority of their fight with his agility, though Loki was ultimately defeated and chained up, as well as going toe-to-toe with Thor, albeit Thor was holding back, despite the latter's own great agility and fighting ability, in both of their fights.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Loki possessed superhuman stamina that allowed him to fight prolonged battles, such as the Battle of Jotunheim, Battle of New York, the Second Dark Elf Conflict, or the Siege of Asgard. His muscles produced practically no fatigue toxins during physical activity compared to those of humans. His incredible stamina enabled him to exert himself at peak capacity for an undefined period of time without tiring at all.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his astounding resistance to injury, it was still possible to injure or even kill Loki. However, due to his Frost Giant physiology, Loki healed at a rate much faster than that of humans. Hence, Loki was quickly recovered back on his feet even after being brutally smashed multiple times against the ground by Hulk.
  • Longevity: Loki had the capacity to live for thousands of years. Loki was a baby at the end of the last great war between the Asgardians and the Jotuns, over a thousand years ago.
  • Cold Immunity: Due to his Frost Giant physiology, Loki was immune to the otherwise cold and damaging touch of Frost Giants. In fact both a Frost Giant's touch and him either using or even touching the Casket of Ancient Winters, would reveal his true form as a Frost Giant.
"A master of magic could bring three Jotuns into Asgard."
Master Sorcerer: Loki learned how to wield Asgardian magic while growing up in Asgard, thanks to his adoptive mother Frigga. He eventually became an extremely skilled and formidable sorcerer, with it being his main asset in battle, though other exceptionally skilled sorcerers, like Doctor Strange could contend with him. Even Odin was impressed by Loki's magical skills and noted that Frigga would have been proud of him.

Loki creates an illusion to trick his enemies

  • Illusion Manipulation: Loki could generate hazy green, holographic light, sometimes with a gesture, which he has used to create illusions. He was particularly noted to fool enemies who try to attack him with an illusion of himself. Thor was noted to fall for this ability numerous times. Loki can even produce multiple images of himself appear simultaneously during a duel with Thor before the latter blasted them away with a shockwave of lightning. His holographic illusions could be projected across entire rooms, which allowed him to disguise the fact that he was disheveled and had destroyed his cell in the Asgardian Dungeons in anger over Frigga's death, though Thor was able to deduce the illusion quickly. However, Loki most notably conjured up the extremely convincing illusion of him seemingly dying from a wound inflicted by Kurse. He may have used this ability to speak to Thor when the latter was imprisoned by Phil Coulson after failing to pick up his hammer, instantly appearing in and then disappearing from the sealed room Thor was kept in. He can also change others appearances as he briefly turned Thor into a frog as well as making him look like Lady Sif, and later on, to appear as if he had been stabbed, beaten and missing a hand when tricking Malekith into thinking that he had attacked Thor
  • Shapeshifting Loki also can alter his attire, his voice and his physical appearance in order to resemble another person or animal. He used this power to change his clothing from his usual armor, to a human's business suit, and to his battle armor, though while changing his clothing, the light was yellow instead of green. He was also capable of imitating Thor, Captain America, Odin, and an anonymous Asgardian guard. Loki's shapeshifting was so skilled that even as a child, he was able to transform himself into a snake to trick Thor, with his disguise being convincing enough to allow Thor to pick him up and hold him without arousing suspicion.
  • Mental Manipulation: Loki could subtly influence the minds of others, such as when he manipulated Erik Selvig into researching the Tesseract, making him repeat his words and thoughts as if they were his own. Later, Loki was even able to cast such a spell on Odin himself, which induced the All-Father to stay on Midgard while Loki usurped his Asgardian throne for four years, though it should be noted that the spell's effects were ultimately not permanent and Odin was able to break the spell shortly before Ragnarök, and only choose to remain in exile due to his impending death. Loki's illusions could also take the form of entire vivid visions, such as when he notably forced Valkyrie to relive her day of defeat against Hela by placing his hand on her head.
  • Presence Concealment: Loki was able to render himself and others unseen and unheard to whomever he wanted. Instead of letting light waves pass through himself, it was simply a trick of the mind, similar to hypnosis. He could even mask his presence from the all-seeing Heimdall himself while he was in Jotunheim, sneak several Frost Giants into Asgard without Heimdall's notice, and hide himself from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents when he briefly visited Thor and attempted to lift Mjølnir himself. Also, he appeared as a reflection in a mirror without being present in a room, while no one noticed him, as he even spoke aloud and neither Erik Selvig, nor Nick Fury heard him.

Loki conjuring the Tesseract out of his hand

  • Conjuration: When Heimdall was about to attack him, Loki quickly summoned the Casket of Ancient Winters to use against him, then made it disappear with a wave of his hands. He also appeared to be able to summon his dual daggers out of thin air when threatening Doctor Strange. Finally, he used this ability to make the Tesseract appear in his hand when presenting it to Thanos, before making a dagger appear in his other hand in a failed attempt to kill the Mad Titan.
  • Telekinesis: Loki was able to move and influence objects through will alone, akin to generating immense concussive force. During Loki, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three's skirmish with the Frost Giants, while using his throwing blades, they flashed green light as he telekinetically launch them with enough force to shatter an ice shield of a Frost Giant. Upon hearing about Frigga's death, Loki, in a fury, clenched his fists and sent everything around the cell flying through the air and crashing into the walls, which also shook the cell violently like a small tremor, causing the light in it to flicker like an electromagnetic pulse.
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Loki was extremely intelligent, particularly in the fields of sorcery, tactics, manipulation, and deception, ranking as among the most intelligent individuals in the universe, being highly formidable even without using his powers or combat skills but simply through sheer intelligence, although while holding incredible intelligence, he was still way surpassed by someone as intelligent as Thanos's, with the latter thus easily completely deceiving and manipulating Loki into becoming his henchmen without him even realizing it for a long time and Loki would ultimately meet his true end when he attempted to fool and kill Thanos, who easily outsmarted Loki yet again, casually deflecting Loki's assassination attempt and then killing him without Loki being able to use his intelligence to survive the encounter. Also, Loki was initially noticeably superior to Thor in intelligence, repeatedly outsmarting him, but Thor would eventually manage to anticipate and outsmart Loki. Hence, despite lacking scientific expertise, he was able to understand and eventually utilize alien technologies with great proficiency, such as when he used a Midgard eye remover on Heinrich Schafer, when learned to use the control console that controlled the cage on Nick Fury's Helicarrier, and when he piloted both a Chitauri and Sakaaran airships. One of Loki's biggest achievements was successfully outsmarting and killing the almost invincible and vastly stronger Kurse, whom Loki tricked into letting him get close enough to activate his opponent's own Black Hole Grenade, a strategy which neither Kurse saw through until it was too late or Thor had thought of who unsuccessfully attempted to beat him hand-to-hand.
"You lied to me; I'm impressed."
―Loki to Thor[src]
  • Master Tactician: Loki is a crafty genius in orchestrating cunning schemes, that had earned him the title of 'God of Mischief'. Hence, Loki successfully orchestrated the events that lead to the banishment and death of Thor, by making Laufey and the Frost Giants attack Asgard during Thor's coronation, only to betray them and gain Asgard's throne. He later allowed himself to be captured by the Avengers and had his brainwashed ally Hawkeye attack Nick Fury's Helicarrier, and provoke the Hulk into a rage, thereby freeing himself and separating the superhero team. Later, Loki helped Thor in the latter's attempt to destroy the Reality Stone by pretending to betray him in full view of Malekith and Kurse, thereby momentarily gaining the Dark Elves' trust. Shortly thereafter, Loki successfully faked his own death, cast a hypnosis spell against Odin, and finally usurped the Asgardian throne for four years. After later being marooned on Sakaar, Loki managed to gain the Grandmaster's trust with relative ease. However, his incredible tactical abilities are still far surpassed by Thanos, as the latter was able to easily anticipate Loki's attempt to assassinate him and then successfully finish him off for good.

Loki stabbing Thor with a dagger in combat

  • Expert Combatant: While Loki was far more interested in sorcery than Asgardian warrior arts, he had still proven to have received highly extensive combat training that makes him a surprisingly incredibly formidable fighter in both armed and hand-to-hand combat. His skills had allowed him to effortlessly defeat and kill several S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives in mere seconds, to easily kill several Frost Giants in Jotunheim, to easily slay multiple Dark Elves at once, using only a dagger, to defeat many Berserkers, and to roughly overpower the extremely skilled Captain America in a duel, although the latter proved to have more combat skills than that of his own. He has even been able to hold his own well against the stronger Valkyrie (through his superior agility), and even Thor on several occasions, who were among the most skilled warriors in Asgard's history, though Thor later admitted to having held back against his adopted brother.
  • Spear Mastery: Loki was extremely skilled in fighting with a spear, as he was able to contend with Thor using Mjølnir wielding Gungnir in their ferocious duel. He also wielded the Scepter with devastating efficiency, effortlessly killing many S.H.I.E.L.D operatives and once again going toe-to-toe with Thor using his hammer.
  • Knife Mastery: Loki was highly proficient with knives, able to easily kill several Frost Giants and Dark Elves with a single dagger.
"Look, why don't you let me take over? I'm clearly the better pilot."
―Loki to Thor[src]
Ah, I forgot about Narfi and Vali! I wasn't sure whether they really existed in the Norse myths, or just fanart that someone made up, since the main ones you hear about are the monsters or Sleipnir. Do you think they should put Sigyn in the Loki series? It might be interesting to see how they would introduce her.
Ah, I forgot about Narfi and Vali! I wasn't sure whether they really existed in the Norse myths, or just fanart that someone made up, since the main ones you hear about are the monsters or Sleipnir. Do you think they should put Sigyn in the Loki series? It might be interesting to see how they would introduce her.
Who is Sigyn? You guys really know your Norse Myths!
Ah, I forgot about Narfi and Vali! I wasn't sure whether they really existed in the Norse myths, or just fanart that someone made up, since the main ones you hear about are the monsters or Sleipnir. Do you think they should put Sigyn in the Loki series? It might be interesting to see how they would introduce her.
Personally, I don't think Sigyn should be in the Loki series. I'm not gonna freak if they do, but I hope they don't.
Who is Sigyn? You guys really know your Norse Myths!
His wife in both myths and the comics. (And mother of his two sons, Narfi and Vali. (In mythology, only mother of Narfi in the comics, Vali's mother was a human))
Personally, I don't think Sigyn should be in the Loki series. I'm not gonna freak if they do, but I hope they don't.

His wife in both myths and the comics. (And mother of his two sons, Narfi and Vali. (In mythology, only mother of Narfi in the comics, Vali's mother was a human))
Personally, I think it would ruin Loki's character if he got married.
Personally, I don't think Sigyn should be in the Loki series. I'm not gonna freak if they do, but I hope they don't.

His wife in both myths and the comics. (And mother of his two sons, Narfi and Vali. (In mythology, only mother of Narfi in the comics, Vali's mother was a human))
I hope they don't bring her in too.

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