Matilda's laying!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Southwestern PA
Hi, I"m a newbie, my have a little feathered footed bantum the same age, but she wants nuttin to do with laying egge yet...a real charatcer...LOL We bought 12 peeps in the spring from our local store, and only 2 were hens! All but 2 roosters made the soup pot....yummy I'm getting 6 four month old RIR's tomorrow, can't wait for them to start laying too.
oops, the first half of that got cut...LOL My RIR, Matilda just started laying! Her first egg was a double yolker and she has layed 8 eggs in 9 days, the 5th egg is even bigger than the first one...can't wait to see what's in that one....guess I won't be so long winded this time..LOL

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