mating question??


9 Years
May 13, 2010
I'm new to ducks and I have a pair of Ruoen ducks that are 10 weeks old. I know that chickens can start laying at 21 weeks and I guess my question is what about ducks? When would they start mating? If she were to lay eggs how long do they incubate for? Anything else I should know about this part of ducks? Kinda clueless here.
Your ducks will probably start laying around eggs around the 20-24 week mark. They may start mating before the eggs are actually laid - but I have no reference yet as my ducks are around 13 weeks and my 2 Rouens are around 9 weeks old.
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My ducks started laying just before they turned 4 months old!

Ducks will mate at any time - it might not be baby-making though - it could just be dominance.

I wouldn't incubate the first few eggs they lay as they are sometime sthe wrong shape etc.

Most domestic duck breeds have an incubation period of 21-28 days although it can be a few days over - however Muscovies have an incubation period of about 35 days!

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