Mature Drake and immature hen?


May 6, 2020
My dominant drake(Lawerence) started mounting my other mature drake(Jimmy Dean) occasionally a couple weeks ago.
I currently have a major imbalance in hen-drake ratio with it being 1:5(three of them are immature; 2 are her siblings), and Lawerence seems to have just realized Silvia(10 week old hen) is a hen and not some annoying little duckling(he chases them away from “his” peas and is fine with them so long as they aren’t too close). He’ll chase Silvia around the yard/through the water and today he managed to mount her before I could chase him away from her.
To protect her(since he’s half Pekin/runner and she’s a not yet fully feathered runner mix) I’ve been putting him in a playpen with a bucket of water near where the other ducks are, but then they’ll walk away and he’s left alone until I go out and move the pen. He very clearly wants to be with the other ducks, but I can’t allow him to chase/mount Silvia, so how can I let him free range with the rest of my flock without having to worry about Silvia?
Also Jimmy Dean has shown 0 interest in Silvia(although he did have a girlfriend who isn’t around anymore, but that was weeks ago).

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