Maxine the House Chicken

I was interviewed for a Vermont newspaper today about the chicken diaper that I purchased for Maxine! The article will be published Wednesday! :) I am thinking that a photo of Maxie-girl will make it in the paper too!
Oh please do share the article when it gets published! Go Maxine!!
Woo hoo! How very cool about the article about your Maxine!

I have a house flock, of sorts. One bona-fide House Silkie, but she has hatched 8 flock eggs back to back. (Her eggs are not fertile as I don't let the roosters in the house. She exercises - now with her chicks - in my fenced garden.)

There are a few chickens which are outside all day with the rest of the flock but they come inside to either lay eggs in an empty brooder bin or sleep at night. One of those is a Silver Sebright, Alice, and she's now gone broody in that bin. Sparkle has her own nest box.

Sparkle hasn't worn her diaper since she went broody, as I didn't want her to bother with it during her confinement. She always ran outside to do the infamous broody-poop, anyway. Then back onto the eggs.

My first House Chicken was a White Crested Black Polish rooster, who was a special needs fella. He had been feather plucked and pecked by other flock members three separate times. He recuperated in the house... He walked in circles a lot, even after I trimmed his crest. Jack was a loving and gorgeous rooster; he wore a black diaper with silver skull-and-crossed-bones pattern.

Aarrggh. My Polish parrot facsimile. He is missed.
Thank you for sharing! Sounds like Sparkle and Alice have it made :)
Oh please do share the article when it gets published! Go Maxine!!
I will!!! Thank you!
I just subscribed and can't wait to see the newspaper article! You go Maxine!!!
May I ask, where is her hernia? LOL
I will post it when it is published Wednesday!

Her hernia is below her vent... Here are the xray photos. I posted one that is labeled and one without the label.
Not something you see everyday-- or at least not most people! My cat, Zoe is the best cat-- she is very tolerant and gentle. Since Maxine has been in the house she has not minded at all. Maxine made a break for the living room when I let her out of her cage this morning. I was lucky enough to have my camera sitting right there to capture this

Maxine was in need of a bath... She really finds them relaxing and likes visiting the chicken spa
She floats around the tub like she owns the place. She even enjoyed the hair dryer. I love this girl-- she is so sweet! I feel very blessed to have such a sweet girl!

After the hair dryer--- :)

You ARE a very lucky person to be able to experience the true essence of chicken. Most people never get to truly relate to them like you do and you are able to see their real selves. Great job with Maxine!
You ARE a very lucky person to be able to experience the true essence of chicken. Most people never get to truly relate to them like you do and you are able to see their real selves. Great job with Maxine!
Thank you!

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