May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

You might have already answered this and I just forgot....but do you have a secondary thermometer and hydrometer inside your incubator to cross check your incubators controls temp and humidity? Sometimes the incubator itself is off.
Yes I got a secondary one that sits in with the eggs, not just hanging down from the top so I'm confident the temp and humidity was good. I'm going to take the advice from others on here and try a different breeder. Then I'll know if the problem is my setup. Thanks!
My babies started hatching on day 20- yester eve!!!! Got the call to come get them from awesome farmer/breeder dude this morning.
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Check out his mask ;) He hand made that himself! Such a fun, smart, salt of the earth guy. What a joy.
So 27 chicks out of 30 eggs- never thought I would get those odds- some of my eggs were over 10 days old :eek:View attachment 2163196View attachment 2163203View attachment 2163197
Stretching their legs and checking out new home.View attachment 2163200View attachment 2163201View attachment 2163202
Our temps are in the mid 80's now so it is a very lovely environment.
I love your brooder! I am on The Big Island, though slightly cooler temps (2500 feet). What do you have in the waterer, apple cider vinegar?:D
Okay I have 15 chicks and two more just hatching right now..yay!!

Question for any silkie people!!
what color is this chick?
I love your brooder! I am on The Big Island, though slightly cooler temps (2500 feet). What do you have in the waterer, apple cider vinegar?:D
Thank you on the brooder. Working great, feel like we are all in a brooder today... chicks are all lounging around, not under heat lol. That is nutri-drench in their water, love the stuff. I would not use vinegar on chicks myself.
Yes I am following you! I noticed you the other day or week or whatevahs. I'll PM you so we can chat island style in a bit ;)
Got to spend more time with my chickens and chicks today and it felt so good! Chatted with my broody RIR - she likes to talk. Then cleaned out the broody pen in the coop (just kicked my oldest chicks out of it a couple days ago) and moved my 2nd oldest group to the cleaned pen. I changed leg bands on a bunch of the chicks. Green for pullets I want to sell, red for cockerels I don't want in the laying flock, and yellow with either a pink or blue on the other leg for pullets and cockerels I want to keep. The silkies, they just got identifying leg bands to help my daughter tell them apart. I am going to have a lot of cockerels to either sell or butcher....I think out of 9 eggs I hatched from my own flock, that 7 of them are cockerels.

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