May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

So what did you do?

You can see the tendon on the back of the hock joint. When you straighten the leg you can roll it back into place and wrap it while it's in place. My chick's leg was very swollen because it was from an injury from a hen so maybe that was why it wasn't successful, I wouldn't give up on your little one just yet!
Mine grew up to be a beautiful rooster named Peg Leg Pete because he had one functional leg.
Hello Ladies 👋🏻 I just got my box of shipped eggs yesterday and they have now rested point down 24 hours. My plan is to rest them for 48 hours before setting to let my bator get nice and happy. Amazon jacked my order and my bator with the turner that was supposed to be here tomorrow ended up canceled after jacking up both my debit cards *sigh* after finally getting a US based supervisor I now have a better bator coming on the 4th for the same price. So now I’m wondering if I should rest the eggs until then where they are in the carton on top of the dresser and just let them chill or if I should go ahead and start the in my still air basic cheap hovabator style and hand turn till the roller style gets here on the 4th . I’ve also read where some people have left shipped eggs just in cartons and not turned so I’m like 🤷‍♀️🤔 I’m a little out of my element. I raise exotic birds and while I am familiar with incubation they incubate differently than these chicks. There’s no lock down. With my babies I just stop turning when they internal pip into the air cell. Soooo. Fire away ladies let’s discuss!
You can see the tendon on the back of the hock joint. When you straighten the leg you can roll it back into place and wrap it while it's in place. My chick's leg was very swollen because it was from an injury from a hen so maybe that was why it wasn't successful, I wouldn't give up on your little one just yet!
Mine grew up to be a beautiful rooster named Peg Leg Pete because he had one functional leg.
Peg leg 😂 I love it. So it could function like that?

That gives me hope for this little weirdo
Peg leg 😂 I love it. So it could function like that?

That gives me hope for this little weirdo

Yep, he hopped everywhere and did become tired easily but he was the sweetest little roo ever. He lives with a special needs boy now that bonded with him. Made it worth going through the effort of trying to save him just to know he's helping that little boy.
This is Pete, lol.

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Hello Ladies 👋🏻 I just got my box of shipped eggs yesterday and they have now rested point down 24 hours. My plan is to rest them for 48 hours before setting to let my bator get nice and happy. Amazon jacked my order and my bator with the turner that was supposed to be here tomorrow ended up canceled after jacking up both my debit cards *sigh* after finally getting a US based supervisor I now have a better bator coming on the 4th for the same price. So now I’m wondering if I should rest the eggs until then where they are in the carton on top of the dresser and just let them chill or if I should go ahead and start the in my still air basic cheap hovabator style and hand turn till the roller style gets here on the 4th . I’ve also read where some people have left shipped eggs just in cartons and not turned so I’m like 🤷‍♀️🤔 I’m a little out of my element. I raise exotic birds and while I am familiar with incubation they incubate differently than these chicks. There’s no lock down. With my babies I just stop turning when they internal pip into the air cell. Soooo. Fire away ladies let’s discuss!

I try to set my eggs as fresh as possible personally. I get the best hatches from the freshest eggs. As far as turning, I also believe the benefits and importance of turning usually outweighs any possible benefit from allowing the eggs to sit. This is a good article on the importance of turning hatching eggs.

This is one of those preference things that everyone handles a little differently. I put my shipped eggs directly into a horizontal turner after waiting 6-8 hours for them to settle and I had an 88% hatch rate. I really think this is all due to chance because you just never know what that package goes through before it gets to you. Rough handling, temperature extremes, x-rays, altitude changes, etc.
I try to set my eggs as fresh as possible personally. I get the best hatches from the freshest eggs. As far as turning, I also believe the benefits and importance of turning usually outweighs any possible benefit from allowing the eggs to sit. This is a good article on the importance of turning hatching eggs.

in this case then I think I’ll go ahead and get them started tonight

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