May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

Colors that have popped so far on the Coturnix Quail

I am hatching my very first chickens this year! Hatch date is set for May 31, so I am on day 16 right now. I dont know how you all deal with the suspense! I want to candle them like ALL the time :)

I am hatching out an all Bielefelder flock from Omega Hills Farms. They are shipped eggs, so I was nervous from the beginning, and then due to the current health crisis the eggs were delayed in the mail, they were shipped on Monday and I got them Saturday. I'll admit I didnt have much hope for any of the 14 eggs that arrived (to the wrong post office no less). But I did everything I could and as of my day 14 candling I have 11 happy healthy chicks developing. Fingers crossed they make it!!

Any advice on how to be patient these last few days is highly welcome :)
I chose to build a duck house and pen to not be in the incubator candling all the time.
Well, I didn't touch my turkey eggs AT ALL through this incubation other than to check fertility after the first week and 2 are stinky quitters and I put the other 2 on lockdown with the Millies and Silkies. So that poor turn out was not convincing for me to not candle as often. :lau lol, I get much better hatch rates when I touch them "too much".

Come to think of it I barely touched my Marans hatch this month either and I think it was the worst hatch rate I've ever had. lol

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