MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

We had a blue or black orpington hatch last night before I went to bed, and woke up with my two remaining lavender orpington eggs with pips!!!
So excited about those two eggs I can't tell ya!!!

Little worried about the little fella who hatched last night. It is the most lethargic chick I've ever seen and has a tiny bit trailing from it's backside I'm a bit worried about too. I put a band-aid over it so he doesn't step on it and pull more, had that happen in my last batch and had to end up putting that little chick down.

Gotta go get the brooder all set up!
here is my update. My baby goose from last night was doing great this morning. I took it to the building where the mama and her babies are. Didnt work... mom started pecking at it and I coudlnt stand it so I guess I will do what I really didnt want to do.... I will hand raise one single little goose. the others are only three days ahead, and I had hoped that it would intergrate.. but it is not to be..
good luck. I seriously need to get rid of some ducks and geese. badly. I got so many males that it is just not doable on the ducks.. the geese.. who knows what I have yet. way to many.
good luck. I seriously need to get rid of some ducks and geese. badly. I got so many males that it is just not doable on the ducks.. the geese.. who knows what I have yet. way to many.

I just couldnt wait for the eggs this spring and bought 6 of the giant pekins from a hatchery. 5 out of the 6 were males...
good luck. I seriously need to get rid of some ducks and geese. badly. I got so many males that it is just not doable on the ducks.. the geese.. who knows what I have yet. way to many.

I just couldnt wait for the eggs this spring and bought 6 of the giant pekins from a hatchery. 5 out of the 6 were males...

Ive been sexing the pekins right when I take them out of the incubator and my last hatch, all 5 were girls.
Just thought I'd share that I am nearly dead. The suspense is Killing me!!! Maybe this is why hatching chicks gets to be addictive??? It is the highs and lows that play with your emotions and in the end adrenaline kicks in and it hooks ya so you want to go for another ride. Well, I spent about 30 min. with my mama hen this morning, and periodically I could hear peeps coming from under her back end. The chick(s?) would be quiet until she moved about, then they would peep until she settled down again. So, there is at least one that is alive somewhere under her warm fluff. She just didn't share and let me see. However, she is starting to come out of her setting trance and is starting to show interest in food and water when I offer it to her. So, I think we are close to the end reveal. Maybe by tonight she will show me a little bit of what she's got. I am so proud of my good mama.
ok you want to see something fun? My daughters caught up some worms for mom and the chicks. So we held up the worm so mom could see it and she called the chicks and showed them what to do.

It is like a feeding frenze. I imagine throwing meat to a bunch of sharks looks very similar. I never thought those little ones could move so fast. They zip all over the cage.
loved looking at your blog.. thanks. (your brooder looks just like mine) rubbermaid

They also clean up easy and require little space to stack them and put them away. LOL

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