May Hatch-a-Long!

My first hatch is due May 16!
I was up at 3am checking on it and it was perfect. My husband checked it at 7am.
Then when I woke up at 7:30, the temp dropped from 99 to 95!? Ack! Why?
It wasnt low for very long hopefully everyone is ok. wonder why it did that.
i am officially a may hatcher now!! I set 41 eggs last night.. so today is day 1. they are due May 20th! yea.. grow babies grow!!
 I just broke open a "clear" on day 12 (the first of probably 3 eggs that are not viable of the seven I set in a BMA.)  I played brain surgeon preparing to drill a hole in someone's on laytex disposable gloves, got my little drimmel out and attached the drill bit attachment.  I carefully and lightly drilled the cleanest little hole in the shell above the air sac, which I was careful not to pierce.  Then I sniffed warily and was relieved to find no smell.  This egg was 10 days old at setting :(  and had not developed at all in twelve days. With a sharp knife,  I carefully reduced the shell around the outer thick membrane, then removed more of that thick membrane, and finally moved the inner membrane half away from one side of the hole I had enlarged, and slid the egg's contents into a dish.  There was not any veining (red or otherwise) but I believe it was originally a fertile egg by looking at it.  The yoke ran but had no eye spot or signs of early death I could identify when it went into the dish.  No bad smell at all on this egg.  The above was really a practice should I ever have to assist a latecomer chick who can't (wouldn't) make it out on its own.  I know there are folks on both sides of "to assist or not to assist," each with sound reasons for their position.  If it comes to it, I think I will be in the"assist when patient waiting fails" camp.
I cracked the duds open over the sink. No stink, runny yolk ands a lil red line each I have helped 2 chicks hatch was in the incubator the other almost got tossed because the hen had already left the secret nest (inour neighbor's well house) i heard a chirp and helped him out, he had club foot.
My first hatch is due May 16!
I was up at 3am checking on it and it was perfect. My husband checked it at 7am.
Then when I woke up at 7:30, the temp dropped from 99 to 95!? Ack! Why?
It wasnt low for very long hopefully everyone is ok. wonder why it did that.

Mine are also due May 16. How many eggs do you have in there, and what kind? The more eggs, the better for retaining heat. The eggs will likely be all right since it was only 30 min!
Only seven more days for my Silver Appleyard ducks!!! I am going to candle again tonight and make sure all seven are still doing well.
I have a broody hen due to hatch her clutch of ten on the 22nd. This is the second time I have ever had a broody hen,and the last had zero hatch beacause of she borke one egg and it killed the others. I am so EGGCITED!!!!!!!!!

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