May Hatch-a-Long!

I've got chicks pipping and zipping in one incubator right now, then I have Narragansett turkey and Welsh Harlequin duck eggs due to hatch on May 25th, more chicks on May 20th, and quail on May 15th. Then I'm taking a break...I think...
Candled quail eggs on day 7. Removed 6 clears, including one that was cracked and sealed with wax, and one that had a small crack that I didn't notice the first time. The second one sealed with wax looks to be developing. I have 21 left out of the 30 I ordered. Lockdown in a week, projected hatch date 5/10.
I really dont know what color my silkies are yet. I was about to order some expensive eggs to be shipped when a friend of a friend (the preacher's wife) offered to sell me a dozen of her silkie eggs for $2! She has EEs too so I got a few of those (6) and made it an even $5 total. I feel like I made out like a bandit so I didnt ask too many questions. (And my friend picked up the eggs for me) I saw a picture of some of her silkies and I only noticed black and white chickens in the picture. I am not good at color genetics yet... so I guess I will find out may 16 what colors I will get. I like surprises.
Edit: ps- I have read that breeding white and black isnt ideal because white can have some hidden colors? I dont plan on having SQ necessarily. . Or selling my chickens as such.
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I will have to go to TSC tomorrow to get the brooder box ready. We are only on day 11, but I only have time to go to stores on weekends. Wonder if they will have chicks? ;)
More importantly- what essentials are recommended for hatching chicks? Food, water, warmth-and?
Shavings! Electrolytes are a good idea too.
I use paper toweling the first few days. Careful on the electrolytes dosage, and if you see new chicks getting runny poop, back off the electrolytes. The small shavings are not good for chicks who may eat too many of them, so go with the larger shavings.
Oh. Yea I only use big shavings even for the big guys. I don't use the electrolytes unless I think I have to. I just like to keep it handy. :)
I'll join in: D. I currently have 18 black copper marans eggs and 18 speckled sussex eggs in the bator today. I'll have 8 Easter daggers and 8 Sicilian buttercups next week!
Incubator #1 - forced air
Day 7 Candle on 41 eggs

99.5F 30-32% (dry method)

I removed 3 eggs, one was a barnyard mix with a red ring. the other 2 were bantam cochins that were sooo small and cute but I think they didn't have a bloom on them? the texture was bumpy, and when I opened it the contents were completely dried out. I have never seen that before. there was no eggwhite left, just dried up hard yolk and super hard membrane. weird! (not my chickens, dunno what's up with that)

2 more might be clear, but leaving them til day 10 before I remove them..

38 of 41 left:

Incubator #2 - still air - 101F 35% (dry method)
LOL I SET 36 MORE EGGS!!! chicken explosion incoming! This is my still-air incubator, which has been more temperamental in the past.. I am also hand-turning with them laying on their sides which is new to me. I thought I would try and turn 5x per day but 3x seems more realistic.

These chicks will likely be grown out and used for our meat birds this year. they are barnyard mixes of dual-purpose breeds (rocks, orps, marans). I am willing to grow them longer, just to not have cornishX again. they'll also be freeranged unlike cornishX...

I also put a few pullet eggs in there, testing fertility from my marans hen and blrw rooster. they are the very dark brown ones. should be an interesting learning experience, anyway :)

the small light tan ones are from a bantam!

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