May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

When will the June Hatch Thread be up. I want to follow. Though I set my eggs in May they are not due to hatch until around June 9. I have 10 SFH and 12 Blue Splash Ameraucana. Hoping to have more fluff balls in around 9 days. Than we have the big shuffle moving some out of the brooder and into the baby coop and more babies into the brooder...we hope.

Its been up for a wekk I think. LOL Me El JNJ and a few others are there posting. Ignore the mess up.I was hatching birds an got confused. See ya there.
Nah I think them bottom pipers had her up all night but she did post she was done with may and the chicks were in the brooder I think she is pretty heeled about that big swap I know she told me chickenlittle found her some bunt chicks for her breeding program and the breeder was bringing them to the swap for her to pick up and knowing her she will find some super rare hardest to hatch triple banded Amazonian coo koo bird eggs to hatch next she so luvs a challenge !

Well we all need a little challenge. Wonder if she can get thse eggs local??? LOL

My end count was 100% pipped. 3 pip deaths, 28 live birds. Yolk sac I didn't think would make it she was TINY and wasn't drying out even after a few hours. She kept going INTO water places. I don't think I could of coddled her enough so I culled my 1st hatched chick today.
I am not posative but by feather sexing I have an estimate on what to exspect in 20 weeks. 17 Pullets (we hope) and 10 cockerals. Yolk sac was a SL pullet, making it even harder to make the choice. But with wanting to get NPIP Cert in the fall I need get my birds in order. I ave 2 I should of culled, 1 hatchery pullet, 1 BYM hatch but they straightened out. Enough for me anyway.
When will the June Hatch Thread be up. I want to follow. Though I set my eggs in May they are not due to hatch until around June 9. I have 10 SFH and 12 Blue Splash Ameraucana. Hoping to have more fluff balls in around 9 days. Than we have the big shuffle moving some out of the brooder and into the baby coop and more babies into the brooder...we hope.
Really nice you to plan your hatch for my birthday...........................
[COLOR=800080]When will the June Hatch Thread be up. I want to follow. Though I set my eggs in May they are not due to hatch until around June 9. I have 10 SFH and 12 Blue Splash Ameraucana. Hoping to have more fluff balls in around 9 days. Than we have the big shuffle moving some out of the brooder and into the baby coop and more babies into the brooder...we hope. [/COLOR]
*Update* The last little duckling is all fluffed up and running around. Another just hatched, and is underneath momma. The other two pipped eggs haven't done much more yet.
Ok had two to hatch out before I went to bed and woke up this morning with TEN chicks wobbling around in the incubator! There are also like 7 more pipping.
If you are like me and set eggs in May but not due until June you can find the June hatching forum at:

June Hatch a Long

its already 48 pages. Come over even if you are not hatching anything in can provide advice and cheer on those eggies. See you there!
They look wet but they are dry, just a little crunchy from membrane. I washed them off best I could. Both these chicks had feet behind their heads! This is what crazy air cells will get you! Had I not helped, there is no way they could have hatched. Love the bump on their heads, typical silkie. One is yellow and black the other is kinda silver and black. I have no idea what color they will be. [/quote] I had good luck brushing the crunchies off a little at a time with a soft tooth brush. Cute little top-knots!

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