May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

Update on my hatch: after setting 21 eggs, 5 made it to lockdown. Of those 2 were late quitters (one had almost absorbed it's yolk before dying, the other probably died a day earlier), and 3 hatched (one needed assistance). That's a 14% hatch rate from shipped eggs. Pretty dismal, but considering one of the boxes was crushed on one side, and ALL of the air cells were detached, it was about what I was expecting. Bonus (NOT!) they are all cockerels!!! (CCL's are autosexing and can be sexed at hatch). On the upside, one of them is the more correct lighter-colored male, which is very hard to find in this country.
Thanks to BYC a local person with the breed I want (Crested Cream Legbars), contacted me, and I am going to set some local eggs on Monday. And I thought I was done hatching for the year. Hee hee hee. See you in the June thread!

They look wet but they are dry, just a little crunchy from membrane. I washed them off best I could. Both these chicks had feet behind their heads! This is what crazy air cells will get you! Had I not helped, there is no way they could have hatched. Love the bump on their heads, typical silkie. One is yellow and black the other is kinda silver and black. I have no idea what color they will be.

I had good luck brushing the crunchies off a little at a time with a soft tooth brush. Cute little top-knots![/QUOTE]

They look cute. - but I still think you got didled with the legbar x chicks! The breeder is not selling a true line and you should have gotten what you paid for. Not an imitation that doesn't look like what you ordered in good faith. Indeed if those little toffees are boys - they ARE NOT LEGBARS!!!!!

Update on my hatch: after setting 21 eggs, 5 made it to lockdown. Of those 2 were late quitters (one had almost absorbed it's yolk before dying, the other probably died a day earlier), and 3 hatched (one needed assistance). That's a 14% hatch rate from shipped eggs. Pretty dismal, but considering one of the boxes was crushed on one side, and ALL of the air cells were detached, it was about what I was expecting. Bonus (NOT!) they are all cockerels!!! (CCL's are autosexing and can be sexed at hatch). On the upside, one of them is the more correct lighter-colored male, which is very hard to find in this country.
Thanks to BYC a local person with the breed I want (Crested Cream Legbars), contacted me, and I am going to set some local eggs on Monday. And I thought I was done hatching for the year. Hee hee hee. See you in the June thread!

I would demand a refund!!!!!

Not what it says on the packing!!!!! Cream crested legbar male chicks are NOT toffee coloured. Makes me mad that breeder did this to you!!!!! You paid for Legbars in good faith and got Mutts!

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They look cute. - but I still think you got didled with the legbar x chicks! The breeder is not selling a true line and you should have gotten what you paid for. Not an imitation that doesn't look like what you ordered in good faith. Indeed if those little toffees are boys - they ARE NOT LEGBARS!!!!!


Ooops! Something went wrong with my quote... the "crusty" chick above is jnjmanning's, and the pic should be credited to jnj. I was just sharing how I got the crusty off of my own crusty chick :)
I would demand a refund!!!!!

Not what it says on the packing!!!!! Cream crested legbar male chicks are NOT toffee coloured. Makes me mad that breeder did this to you!!!!! You paid for Legbars in good faith and got Mutts!


Oes; in their defense, the darker chicks are actually more common than the lighter ones here in the USA. There are also some lines where the pullets don't develop crests... again not good and being selected against. They are Cream Legbars, and have been over many generations, but unusually dark due to their lineage, and definitely not the ideal breeding stock. Many breeders (me included now!) are selecting for the lighter and more correct phenotype. Thank you for your outrage on my behalf! I consider it a learning experience, and although I don't hold it against this particular breeder, I also won't be using his stock to breed. They are still good for blue eggs :)
First pip! But on the wrong end dang it! Anyone know if I follow the same procedure for assisting chickens if need be? I am worried about hurting such a tiny creature whilst trying to help!
The duckling that pipped at the wrong end just hatched. His membrane was sticking to him a little, but he still got out okay.

Three down, one to go

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