May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

I have one hatched in the incubator and 4 more on the way.
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Well, got the third chick safe and sound. Thank you Oesdog!!! I ended up waiting over 24 hours, and the peeps were getting fainter and fewer, so I candled and made a little pip into the air cell right next to the beak. Sure enough, there was its little beak which had broken through to the air cell in a normal internal pip. The interior membrane was clear around the beak, but white and contracted back from the shell tight around the chick everywhere else. Not sure why this one shrink-wrapped when the others were fine, but there it was. Chick seemed to revive a little with access to room air, and I could still see some good sized veins in the membrane, so I left well enough alone. About 4 hours later, no progress had been made, so I followed some advice Oes linked me to and zipped the end. Again, could see some veins, so I let another 4 hours go by. Checked tonight to find the chick struggling like mad inside the shrink wrap. It had destroyed the shell within reach of it's beak, but could not rotate at all it was so tight in the membrane. Good news was that the veins had dried up, so I proceeded to carefully peel membrane away until it pried itself out of the shell. There was a tiny bit of bleeding from the umbilicus, but otherwise seemed completely unphased. Now it is resting in the incubator, and I will move it to the brooder tomorrow. whew!!! I am afraid that even though I opened in a humid room, I caused the shrink-wrap when I removed the first 2 chicks. I think from now on I will use my hovabator as a hatcher, because although the Brinsea rocked for the incubation, it is just too small for the new chicks. They couldn't even stand up due to the low ceiling in it. Then I shouldn't need to open until hatch is complete. Lesson learned! No signs of life from the remaining 2 eggs, but can't hurt to let them go another day or two. I will post picks tomorrow when s/he is fluffed (hoping it's a she!). Too tired tonight!
Great job!
*Update* just woke up about an hour ago to find a fourth pip, and I think one is zipping. In this picture you can see all four pips: And a pic of the proud (and protective) momma: I'm exited, this is the third time one of my ducks has gone broody, but it's the first time I'm actually home to watch them hatch.
what a great momma. I can't wait till my ducks start laying. When do ducks start laying eggs?
The little chick we helped out of the shell is not looking too good today. I cannot see a reason why it should be like this today when it was fine eating and drinking and running about yesterday. This morning DH took them out of the brooder and cleaned them out. I hope he didn;t hold it too tight?
The little chick is falling asleep a lot today and not its usual bouncy self. I have notseen it eat today or drink????? Yet yesterday it ate and ate.

Any ideas????

The little chick we helped out of the shell is not looking too good today. I cannot see a reason why it should be like this today when it was fine eating and drinking and running about yesterday. This morning DH took them out of the brooder and cleaned them out. I hope he didn;t hold it too tight? :( The little chick is falling asleep a lot today and not its usual bouncy self. I have notseen it eat today or drink????? Yet yesterday it ate and ate.

Any ideas????



Have you given them any electrolytes.
Ok so I had an EXCELLENT hatch rate this time!!! Ok started with 41 eggs, full turner. 7 were infertile. 34 made it to lockdown. 33 hatched!!! I have a little giant incubator. It was still air. I ordered the little giant forced air fan kit. It really meant " increased hatch results"! Haha

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