May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

That is so awesome! What a great Momma! The more I see of them, the more enamored I am getting with ducks. I just don't know what I would do with them once I had them :) Congrats on the pips, hope everything goes well.
Thx. I'm kinda worried about them hatching though, 'cause one of my chickens keeps kicking her off her nest to lay an egg. I'm worried that one is gonna hatch when the chicken is on them, and she's gonna peck at it, then the momma's not gonna know it's hers (because it didn't hatch underneath her), and she's gonna peck at it to.
Ugh, I think too much.

One of the eggs is pipped at the wrong end and it's membrane is starting to dry up. It hasn't started zipping yet, so I don't whether I should do something or just leave it alone. Any advice?
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Well jac the upside downers get out overnight ?

No they both had to be helped, one at 4am and the other at 7am. I am exhausted. Afraid for the others, never heard any peeping from them. But I have 2 very unusual looking chicks.

They look wet but they are dry, just a little crunchy from membrane. I washed them off best I could. Both these chicks had feet behind their heads! This is what crazy air cells will get you! Had I not helped, there is no way they could have hatched. Love the bump on their heads, typical silkie. One is yellow and black the other is kinda silver and black. I have no idea what color they will be.
. Sure you will most likely be 50/50 it's seems to be the norm Unless you have bad luck lol
haha, I don't know what kinda luck I'll have, but I think Ethel is doing remarkably well for a first time mama. Her "sister" Lucy is so mad at me right now, 'cause she wanted some eggs to. Y'all should see the evil eye i'm getting right now.
They ARE a true breed (although rare so there are quite a few out-bred to other breeds), with a well-established breed standard, and are considered to be auto-sexing, which breeds true/repeatable over the generations vs the sex-linked birds which as you apparently know only differ in the first generation. They are pretty cool, and the blue eggs are a bonus for my egg basket!
well I see they are a three way cross that does breed true and developed in Cambridge England and admitted to the royal poultry standard in 1930 the araucana added to alter the egg color from the brown leghorn used In the cross during the development
Couldn't remember if JNJ was on her way to JC today. Thought maybe thats why there was lack of rsponces before EL. Anyway still going, myself. Yolk sac girl keeps taking a dip in the water container, So she won't fluff up
. Only 2 left unzipped. White eggs but last to pip. So I will end with it 100% pips with 2 postpip deaths 1 was weak other drowned. Still haven't counted what I put in lockdown LOL. Gonna reaarange some eggs again and add some chickens guinea and ducks again and thats it for while..... I think. Unless I get "ideas" So til next week
Couldn't remember if JNJ was on her way to JC today. Thought maybe thats why there was lack of rsponces before EL. Anyway still going, myself. Yolk sac girl keeps taking a dip in the water container, So she won't fluff up :barnie . Only 2 left unzipped. White eggs but last to pip. So I will end with it 100% pips with 2 postpip deaths 1 was weak other drowned. Still haven't counted what I put in lockdown LOL. Gonna reaarange some eggs again and add some chickens guinea and ducks again and thats it for while..... I think. Unless I get "ideas" So til next week:lau
Nah I think them bottom pipers had her up all night but she did post she was done with may and the chicks were in the brooder I think she is pretty heeled about that big swap I know she told me chickenlittle found her some bunt chicks for her breeding program and the breeder was bringing them to the swap for her to pick up and knowing her she will find some super rare hardest to hatch triple banded Amazonian coo koo bird eggs to hatch next she so luvs a challenge !
Ugh, one of the eggs is getting cracked on one side, and it's not the chick doing it. the momma's nest is made up of mostly sticks, so I decided to get rid of the sticks and replace it with some soft wood shavings. Hope that works....
Ugh, one of the eggs is getting cracked on one side, and it's not the chick doing it. the momma's nest is made up of mostly sticks, so I decided to get rid of the sticks and replace it with some soft wood shavings. Hope that works....
The cracked egg is just getting worse. It's mamma tried to move it, and it started freaking out. Once I got it away from her, it was kind of bloody. I think it's still okay, but I'm kinda worried about leaving it there with her.

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