May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

Can't sleep. Wish I had chicks hatching to keep me entertained instead of listening to DH snoring
I just picked up a THIRD incubator today...a Brinsea mini eco. I couldn't help it, I got it from a local lady for $20!!! I'm going to use it to hatch my d'Anver eggs next weekend, and then move my seramas into it. Woot!
Haha! We just can't ever get enough incubators, lol. I have two, but could really use another one. The chicks are easy to sell, so I'm actually making money of it - and it's pure fun!
My hatch is over, i got 11 out of 21.. yesturday was day 23 and i started getting sticky chicks and had to help them along after pip.. and the two hatch b4 them were getting sticky.
Happy with this hatch.. 50% is better then one chick like my first hatch..

Yes 90 eggs, all different ducks, blue frizzle silkies, two kinds of quail and bantams two kind!! Due May 25Th
did you put your duck eggs in earlier then the other eggs. they take 28 days.. Good luck..

Hello little one! I am so beyond excited to have a fluffy butt baby. Pretty little Maran.
Awe Congratulations
Count down will be starting soon. Hatch date is the 8th

I have an accident (an egg that I was NOT going to hatch, but snuck in with the others somehow) mix chick internally pipped. I'm excited, even if it wasn't a planned one!

I just picked up a THIRD incubator today...a Brinsea mini eco. I couldn't help it, I got it from a local lady for $20!!! I'm going to use it to hatch my d'Anver eggs next weekend, and then move my seramas into it. Woot!
nice snag.. i think i am going to go out garage saling today..
My guys are going into lockdown, well 5 of them are. There are 4 that are looking good and one questionable. excited:)
Well I tucked this motley crew of barnyard mixes into lockdown a day early, as I will be gone for a couple days. Wish me luck!
those are really, REALLY gorgeous eggs! What breed is laying those beautiful blue ones for you? Missyktsm, Thanks, I liked the colors too. I have no idea what laid these eggs (other than knowing they are chicken eggs), as I bought them at an exotic animal auction. I have no idea who brought them to the sale. In fact I did not even look at the eggs before I bought them, but I have less than $8 into the whole batch, so I figured it would be a grab bag hatch! Jim
mystery hatches are fun !
I go to lockdown on Monday! I candled my Frizzles last night and I still have 5 good chicks. My Tolbunts I have 10 positive fertile and 4 with good veining. So I am hopefuly. My last 8 Tolbunts have only been in since Tuesday morning.
Yes I put all my eggs in at different times :) Out of my broody hatchling that hatched last night only two made it through night :(
I just set 13 Ameraucana eggs yesterday evening, so should have a hatch around May 23rd!! Learned some valuable humidity lessons on my first batch, so hoping for a better turnout this time.
Blue Eggs in the Bator!!!

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