May have to throw in the towel and give up the chickens..*updated!*

A big fat coon took 13 of my chickens and left me one. I to was lacking in skills and i used only chicken wire.and wide open top. Well after alot of pondering i for Emma's sake (the lone survivor) i brought her in every nite and slow but sure stapled hardware cloth and twisted barb wire and competely covered their large pen , i also set traps which it broke out of, but i was not going to give up . Now i have re stocked my coop and have my favorite girl just started laying 2nd egg today. Over time i caught 2 coons and have them set every nite no issues since. I'm sure some one has a bigger trap. ask around. I am so glad i prevailed all tho i do estimate my first egg cost about $5oo bucks. good luck
This is BYC my dear friend size means nothing in this vast broad forum I bet you there is a local bycer in your area More then willing to come give you a hand out there. and help you secure your your coops. I know here in okie land our byc group is like a tight knit family we all do things for eachother when we can.

We've got it under control. She's got plenty of scrap wood, stacked up. We set the posts, today..It's going to be a simple shed roof, 16x8.
I have some old aluminum channel roofing, which I'm going to use.

We got stopped by, what looked like long term rain..I got home, and it hadn't rained a drop, at my house.

The benefit of heavy cloud cover and a good breeze, was nice, this time of year, in Florida, though.

WAY TO GO ROYD!!!!!!!!

see girlz there are still a few good southern gentlemen around

sounds like there will be no problems now...hope the weather stays cool for you to work in....happy fencing
Awesome royd Way to go help that lil princess out.
I am exactly your size. I have been thinking what I would do without my hubby to build things for me. Suggestions-buy the posts that can be hammered in. Wet the ground good and go to town. Dig down 6inch trench bury the wire cover up the wire with dirt. Use dog pens as coops. Barter the work for housework or babysitting or ironing or cooking or raking or something. You can do it!
Yes! Thanks so much for all your help Royd! You've been awesome. Thanks for standing in the rain to help me! It was a little annoying that it stopped not long after you left and didn't rain anymore. Oh well, we waiting a while and had no way to know that it would stop that soon.

Oh...and I am NOT a princess!
Wonderful story of BYCers helping each other out. I participate in a saltwater fish forum that is local to the Atlanta, GA area, so I see "reefers" helping each other out all the time. I don't see it as much on BYC, so this story makes me smile. (Not saying anything bad about BYC; I think I don't see it here as often because we are so spread apart, as opposed to my fish club, in which about 80-90% of the members are within 100 miles of each other.)

And don't feel insulted about being called a princess. This was totally a "damsel in distress" story. I would love to be called that, even though I try to do a lot of things for myself. No matter how independent we women are, there's still nothing I like to see better than a gentleman rescuing a lady that needs help. Sigh...... I've had the pleasure of knowing/seeing many gentlemen, but we can always use more! And now you've made a local friend for the next time you need something, or one day you might be able to return the favor if he needs help with something.
o yeah...maybe royd would like to go on a mini vacation and you could help him out w/ his chixn while he is gone

and i agree...damsel in distress is much better than princess(i think of that termonology(sp?) as being spoiled)

betcha ya learned some things from your Gentleman Helper also

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