mcmurry sick chicks please post here

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I got mine the same time, and there is nothing wrong with them. I lost 3 right off, but that's fairly common. They actually sent me 4 extras so I'm one ahead. All are doing great and for just being a little over 2 weeks old they are way ahead of all my hatchlings. This little girls are already up on the second roost (1' high) running around like crazy little things. I've ordered before from MMH, and they were really healthy robust chicks, just as these are. So I really wouldn't worry about ordering. They were having a cold snap a few weeks ago and warned me that it could cause the chicks some problems and that I could postpone my shipment if I wanted too. I knew that they get to be very quickly so I didn't think it would be a problem, and it wasn't.
I ordered - got a mixed up order and got the reship

The reship came the weather was 40 degrees post office called on a Sunday i went and picked up- so several improved factors for me one weather huge difference
the chicks were the right sex and they sat a day less -
i have lost 0 out of 15 -- on day 3 ---Favs and Buff Polish ..

hope everyone has the better luck with the reship --

I have decided not to order so early ever again -

Storm how many do you have left out of your order ??
Thanks Cowboy, I am all new to this & have been learning diffrent stuff, I thought it was pretty simple but there is alot to having chickens, I think for my first bunch I will have them all vaccinated & everything MMH offers.
I've lost

3 out of 7 Partridge Cochins dead, 2 are hanging on, 2 rallied.
1 out of 12 Cuckoos dead, 3 are very sick, 6 more are weak, 2 weren't affected.
4 of 7 Buff Rocks are weak. Of the remaining 3 in the brooder, 1 is weak, other two are OK.
5 of 8 EE are weak, 3 normal
1 of 6 Blue Cochins dead, several were brought into the house just in case. 2 are still in the brooder and appear OK. I think the one that died was just a "normal" die-off and not what is going on with the rest of the chicks.

For us, there is no doubt this is breed specific. The other 6 breeds are fine including 7 white rocks, 7 australorps, 7 RIRs, 11 Red Stars, 27 Bantam americaunas and 12 Blue Andalusians.

So far the replacements are doing well. Lost a blue cochin right away, and still have one weaker Cuckoo Marans, but otherwise they seem OK. They are in the house too.

I am with StormHorse23 on this "wierd disease" thing. It isn't anything I have ever seen before. The ones that have died wouldn't eat. Some of these chicks have a great appetite, will drink when held up, but can't walk. They act like they are drunk or have a damaged nervous system. We have been doctoring on these chicks since the 23rd of February. Of the 25 I brought in, 5 died, 2 returned to the brooder and 18 are still in the house. A normal disease would kill them in a day, not drag on for 10.
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Hi, I read all of Stormhorses posts & I do not think I could what she had to do, I feel so terrible she had to go threw that. I have never had chickens before & I agree this is a very strange sickness, I do not think I will be ordering any chicks as I am a newbie. Maybe I will consider "tweeners" I think that is the term, I found some local feed stores.
MNKris I have to agree, I really don't think this is weather related. I just lost three more over the past 2 days - all were weak and having problems with their legs. They were drinking, cheeping, and would stand (sort of) when I held them but they could not walk. I'm not sure how much they were eating.
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