Md Susquehanna Poultry Show **updated With A Video Montage!!!**

Brody's Broodello :

The Dunlaced are just starting to lay, hope to have a bunch later this summer. We have Goldenlaced & Bluelaced largefowl Wyandottes, in the bantams we raise Silverlaced,Columbian,White & Dunlaced. Here's a pic of the Dunlaced.

Hey all,

We're thinking of going to the Susquehanna poultry show just to look at what is available in the wider MD area in terms of breeds and breeders. We don't have any chickens yet, but are moving into our new house in May/June so we hope to start a flock then and want to be prepared and know where to go for some good stock.

I was a little confused by the website of the show that mentions that there is also something on Saturday afternoon? Is that for breeders only or also for the general public? Should we count on going there on Saturday or Sunday? What would be our best bet? Thanks.
I think your best bet would be Sunday. I am going to help setup on Sunday Afternoon because I am a member of the club and want to meet everyone. I will not be bringing my birds and I don't think many other people will be until sunday morning. On Sunday the show and judging will be going on so that would be the best time to meet everyone and see what people bring for sale. It should be a great time!
Great, thanks for the clarification. We'll be staying sat night in the Hampton Inn in Edgewood, so we're all set! Hope to see you there.
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Great, thanks for the clarification. We'll be staying sat night in the Hampton in Edgewood, so we're all set! Hope to see you there.

Great hope to see you as well if your staying the night thats great you can catch all the action. I am going to be there all day on Sunday from about 7am to when ever everything is done with probably not till the afternoon. Can't wait to see you there I will be there with my Faverolles and probably wearing a green T shirt that says Henry's Eggs

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