

Jun 2, 2020
Lincoln NE
Hi! So I really want to start a mealworm farm for my chickens. But I don't know how to get started. In my area right now it is fall near winter now so it is quite chilly outside about 40 degree F to the highest and to 30 degree F to the lowest. I don't know if I should buy them in the mail now. Will they die of cold temperatures while shipping. Also any recommendations on where to buy them from and how many I should buy is going to be greatly appreciated. I right now have a flock of 2 hens but still planning to get 3 more next year.
Thank you.

#mealworms #beginner #chickens
You can start small and simple now, especially with that many birds! Id check craigslist first, there's someone in my town who sells mealworms and even castings! They even sell food grade mealworms I believe :0 I started my mealworms experiment with a 10 gallon fishtank, and two cups of $4 mealworms from petsmart. I mostly just wanted to experience the life of the mealworms and probably just end the whole experience with a fun chicken feeding, rather than specifically farming them. But despite that I still wanted to say to check around locally rather than mailing first, due to temperature! There's tons of pages and websites online with different cool setups!
You can start small and simple now, especially with that many birds! Id check craigslist first, there's someone in my town who sells mealworms and even castings! They even sell food grade mealworms I believe :0 I started my mealworms experiment with a 10 gallon fishtank, and two cups of $4 mealworms from petsmart. I mostly just wanted to experience the life of the mealworms and probably just end the whole experience with a fun chicken feeding, rather than specifically farming them. But despite that I still wanted to say to check around locally rather than mailing first, due to temperature! There's tons of pages and websites online with different cool setups!
I read somewhere that mealworms in pet stores are kind of "slowed down" in development. I don't really know but I will definitely try that. Thank you!

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