Mean chicken


In the Brooder
May 13, 2020
Fremont CA
So I have three chickens 2 silkies and one Wyandotte 3 months old. The one Wyandottes has been pecking and attacking one of the silkies.(no blood yet thankfully) I need help for what to do.
Pecking order issues are normal so I wouldn't be too concerned as long as they aren't hurting each other or being bullied to the point that they can't eat or roost. That said, have these chickens grown up together or is one or more a late addition? How big is your set up (exact measurements, "big" is not a number). What's in the coop and the run (obstacles, other distractions, number of food sources)?
Pecking order issues are normal so I wouldn't be too concerned as long as they aren't hurting each other or being bullied to the point that they can't eat or roost. That said, have these chickens grown up together or is one or more a late addition? How big is your set up (exact measurements, "big" is not a number). What's in the coop and the run (obstacles, other distractions, number of food sources)?
These^^^ excellent questions should shine some light on waht the problem really is.
Then you can solve it!
Pecking order issues are normal so I wouldn't be too concerned as long as they aren't hurting each other or being bullied to the point that they can't eat or roost. That said, have these chickens grown up together or is one or more a late addition? How big is your set up (exact measurements, "big" is not a number). What's in the coop and the run (obstacles, other distractions, number of food sources)?

Hi thank you for your reply! These chickens have been together since they were a day old. We got them shipped to us they all made it. This all has started happening after we got rid of one of our roosters since we aren’t able to keep roosters where we live. The run is 100 inches long and 48 inches wide. The coop is 48 inches by 48. Which I think is pretty big for three chickens. Yes I do have distractions inside the run I have a bridge for them to sit on, toys for chickens, I give them fresh fruit and veggies everyday, and let them roam outside of their run during the day too. Lastly they have a unlimited supply of food.
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Coop size is good, run is slightly above minimal for 3 birds (though I'm aware 2 are bantams). Would be nice if there was more space to add more clutter. As Silkies are smaller and more docile, it kind of doesn't surprise me that one is getting picked on a bit.

Keep an eye on it, but as long as the Silkie isn't being injured, I wouldn't forcibly separate them or anything.
Coop size is good, run is slightly above minimal for 3 birds (though I'm aware 2 are bantams). Would be nice if there was more space to add more clutter. As Silkies are smaller and more docile, it kind of doesn't surprise me that one is getting picked on a bit.

Keep an eye on it, but as long as the Silkie isn't being injured, I wouldn't forcibly separate them or anything.

Thank you so much!
This all has started happening after we got rid of one of our roosters since we aren’t able to keep roosters where we live.
One of your roosters...does that mean there is another one?
Nahhhh, but thought I should ask.

Good ideas for hiding places:

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