Mean hens pulling tail feathers and backs raw.

Ditto Dat!

Feathers are unlikely to grow back until a molt.
Feed a higher protein(18-20%) feed than layer feed.
That and cut out the scratch. Most layer is 16% protein and about the minimum needed to produce eggs. It is also intended to be the sole ration. Adding scratch can dramatically reduce the total protein intake.

The pictures look like the beginning of cannibalism. I've had that in younger birds when I cut out the fishmeal I was adding to their organic grower. In doing so, the protein dropped from 20% to 16%. They were missing the amino acids and after eating feathers, they started eating meat in front of the tail. At first I thought I had rats till I caught them in the act.

BOSS is too high in fiber. Digesting that fiber will use up the extra protein afforded by the seed so won't really satisfy the protein requirement.
I keep the chicken feed in coupe and not the chicken run. I’m thinking instead of leaving feed out 24/7 I should just toss it in chicken run to keep them entertained ? I’ve got chicken tables , roosting , swing , old pans and a ball in the run 😂. They’d rather pick on each other
I keep the chicken feed in coupe and not the chicken run. I’m thinking instead of leaving feed out 24/7 I should just toss it in chicken run to keep them entertained ? I’ve got chicken tables , roosting , swing , old pans and a ball in the run 😂. They’d rather pick on each other

Photos of run? How many chickens and how big is the space? Leaving feed 24/7 is an option but I doubt it has anything to do with picking problems (I don't leave feed out overnight, and have no picking problems). What protein % is your feed? Anything else you feed them?
I keep the chicken feed in coupe and not the chicken run. I’m thinking instead of leaving feed out 24/7 I should just toss it in chicken run to keep them entertained ? I’ve got chicken tables , roosting , swing , old pans and a ball in the run 😂. They’d rather pick on each other
They don't need feed out 24/7. Just during the day. They won't eat or drink at night.
Throwing it on the ground isn't a good idea. It will immediately get contaminated with all the pathogens on the ground.
Some nutritionists even recommend against throwing scratch on the ground - unless is on terrain the chickens don't spend much time.
Okay well I pulled out my prettiest hen ... fingers crossed. Added oyster shells , corn , scratch , pellets and sunflower seeds. Fingers crossed some feathers come back and the pulling out feathers stop !
Okay well I pulled out my prettiest hen ... fingers crossed. Added oyster shells , corn , scratch , pellets and sunflower seeds. Fingers crossed some feathers come back and the pulling out feathers stop !
I don't see those things added to the diet as being helpful.
When there is a feather eater/plucker and the beginning of a cannibal, protein is what is needed.
Oyster shell is calcium carbonate.
Corn and scratch are under 10% crude protein and almost devoid of some essential amino acids.
Sunflower seeds have a fair amount of protein but are extremely high in fiber (20-23%). That is so high that any protein is used up in processing the fiber and fat.
Thankfully they all settled in the coupe just fine tonight next to each other. The hen pulled out was not happy being left alone in the run. There were a few minor scuffles early in the day but with tossing treats it kept them occupied enough to mingle just fine. Well.. already bought all the extra food and treats and opened them should I let them have it until the bags are gone unless there are other uses ?

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