Reinbeau, those collapsible rakes are the best.....it is all that saved me from my mean roo several times. Mine never was smart enough to leave me alone when I had it, though. The first time my kids saw him flying for my face and me knocking him back with it they whined "but mommmmmmmmmm...you just hurt George"
i thought i was the only one who used the rake!

our rooster is not mean, and haven't had to use it on him yet, but it sure works great for herding the flock back to the coop after being in the yard. i even have to pat their bottoms with it to prod them on - they sure don't like those prongs.
I Raise old english bantams and have owned a few Modern i can tell you from 7 years of experience most all of these have and attitude.
I have even had hens do the same thing mine are in large pens. When one decides hes big enough he will come at me and few wops with the feed scoop and he backs down.
This is a natural instinct of this breed and most people including me admire their fiesty attitude.
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LOL I just hold out my boot to him and let him collide with my boot that or reach down and smack him over the head and this has always broke my agressive roos... they don't like it and I don't like them hitting me either and he learns to leave me alone or he'll get another couple crashes with my boot toe...

I don't mean like really abusive or anything just when he starts coming at you just hold your foot out at him and let him hit your foot or just reach over and smack him (not hard) on the head
Here I go with another insulting post. As a breeder of Standard OEGs, some of whose lines go back to antiquity, let me emphasize that this behavior should not be tolerated in any Rooster, and he should culled from the gene pool with Extreme Prejudice. A mean rooster in Standard OEGs is truly an exception for this very reason.

my roo has just started to attack me. he leaves my little brother alone though lucky for him because we would kill it if it attacked william. i think the reason is that i have always been nice to rooster cogburn & william chases him a lot, sometimes with a broom,(no, he does not hurt him, i don't like him doing it but i am powerless to stop him, at least it keeps rooster away from him.)he has not flown in my face,just flys at my legs with his hackles raised (thank goodness his spurs are just nubs, in my poultry breeds book i saw a rooster with HUGE spurs, they looked like mini horns!).
Yea, that's what Stumpy was doing to my sister. Fortunately she thought it was funny, she wasn't scared, she just wanted my advice as to what to do (we were up in Maine for the weekend and she was looking after the birds for us).
(thank goodness his spurs are just nubs, in my poultry breeds book i saw a rooster with HUGE spurs, they looked like mini horns!).

Same here, his spurs are still small - do all roosters grow them big?​

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