I have a rooster, a white silkie named Snowball, who was the King of Pet Area! He was very rude, and would attack anyone, he chased my boys, and scratched my legs, and more than once he got my arms til they bled. I wanted to kill him, but my DH thinks he's funny. (I couldnt do it, I'm a woos)
Frankie just holds out his arms and Snowballs jumps at him, and Frankie could catch him...he's not afraid of him, but the rest of us were....
I had tried kicking him, whacking him with a stick, spraying him with vinegar, spraying him with a hose...everything, and he'd still come at us, and then crow like the Cock of the Walk!! I hated him!!

Then one day I got sick of it....so I took him and dropped him into the water tub.......its not over his head, he could just keep his head above water and see me....the water in the tub is really cold....and I just stood there for a minute and looked at him while he chilled out...he wouldnt even move - not a flinch - it was a power struggle between us - then when he started to struggle, I told him NO WAY - and I made him stay in a little longer, I looked him right in the eye - then in a few I pulled him out of the tub...he was pretty cold too...so I put him in a bucket to drip dry....right there in front of the all of the hens.....with just his head poking out...and the hens came running over to see what goodies I had in the bucket!! I swear chickens can LAUGH!! Snowball has never attacked anyone since, and Frankie is disappointed because Snowball wont jump in his arms. Snowball sleeps alone in the barn with the Llama, Pig and Goat. He does not sleep in the Coops with the other chickens. I think he is too embarrassed.

So Jim, you trained it to attack the wifers!
You are bad!!!!

hehe,, ummmm,,, heh ,, ive been offered alot of $ for that leghorn,, tell everyone that asks,, " that roo HATES my wife, and keeps her away from me, he has a home here FOREVER!" hahaha
Please say you are kidding???? This may work sometimes but certainly not always! My mean roo used to be my lap baby. Once he turned mean I could not touch him. I tried the football hold and got ripped to ribbons! I still have deep, ugly, scars to prove it!!!! My brain being larger is what made me realize there was no help for my evil roo!!!!
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Mostly I would agree with you, but with particularly agressive birds, all holding them like a footbal does is bring them closer to you to peck and bite. Trust me, Hannibal and I have tried that many a time.
So Jim, you trained it to attack the wifers!
You are bad!!!!

hehe,, ummmm,,, heh ,, ive been offered alot of $ for that leghorn,, tell everyone that asks,, " that roo HATES my wife, and keeps her away from me, he has a home here FOREVER!" hahaha

You might have a new line of work if you advertise the fact that you can train any roo to keep your wifers away!!!! LOL!!!
snowydiamonds.....I think this is beyond the normal, "i got a bad roo, what do I do" thread. this is escallated to level 2 or 3 helpdesk issues! I would say the football method has already been tried or given up on. In all honesty, geareduplyn, is just stating the inevitable(and I giggled when I saw it because I know what you did last weekend geareduplyn!). If you cannot control your roo and he is making life miserable for the whole family, and you have exhausted all brain methods, you are forced into the brawn method. I am not saying you have to be vicious about it, just end the trama and get on with life. Not all roos are bad and can be salvaged by some of the methods. I don't think anyone is trying to come across as cavemen, just giving honest sensible advice to mainchick so she can figure out how to control a roo beyond the conventional means. the rest of us are just poking some humor in the fact that HONESTLY, we have no control over these little mahem makers.
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Agreed! I tried everything that I could think of to calm my roo, couldn't even go in the chicken house to gather eggs. When he started going for my face, I knew what had to be done. Certainly not the easiest thing that I've ever done...

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