
but........ he might just be testing ya,, he might try tomorrow,, and then wont try again for a week, or longer,, itll be something you have to do about once in a while
What the1much said...
My banty and I had to have a little heart to heart again this morning. Thankfully he took it well and then went on about his merry business. I find that I have to do that every couple of weeks.
Good luckQ
I've got two mean little bantams roos as well. One is with the hens so he has every right to do his job which is defending his flock. We just carry a broom into the yard and he seems to stay away from it. We've had no problem as long as he stays at the end of the broom.

The other one is a brat, but he's small and doesn't seem to do any damage so we just pick him up and carry him around when he starts acting nasty.

Good luck! Hopefully you can come to a mutual understanding and find a peaceful resolution for all involved.
You should try that. Wringing his neck. Might help, I don't know. We only have hens.

My friend used to go out to the coop with her dog and her dog would protect her but not eat the chicken - just chase the naughty bird a little. Guess that won't help you much either, eh? Sorry.
BUMMER! Well my really bad rooster "EvilPete", I think he is at the end of his rope!! We took him to a poultry show this weekend. He was mean to the judge. The judge told me that they have a judging option to not judge any chicken that is too aggressive. He wasn't too nice and he got 5th place.
I talked to a big time breeder of moderns and he said what you all have been saying, BYE BYE BIRDIE!
im glad you guys arent afraid to wack their little butts (ive only read the first pg...but so far so good lol)....ive heard of too many people talk about "animal cruelty" well u know what its that or "human cruelty" sorry, but the other chickens put each other in place to establish the pecking order, we have to do the same....all we are to them are the feeders and caregivers and its easy to take advantage of that...and they do. ive grown up around horses and all i ever hear beginners say is "oh no, thats mean dont hit the horse"....guess what? if they can take another 1,000 pound animal kicking them to put them in their place, i definitely need to show them i mean business.....otherwise guess whos getting kicked? ya ER for sure if not worse. i understand that chickens arent 1000 pound animals, but the same as horses and anything else, they get picked on by things that are equal or slightly greater/lesser in size and handle it just fine...and not just one at a time usually, most of the time its several of them picking on one....and u dont have to hit them like u would a horse when its back, but like a chicken would do to another chicken. obviously you have to step it up a notch or more when necessary....they are livestock and wild by nature and must be shown whos the head hen or rooster. my point is animals show their dominance by pain...it is the only way they understand/respond to...you cant go and put them in the corner or ground them...even if u did they wouldnt get it.....lol anyways, we must be the dominant one and that must be displayed by slight inflictions of pain if you are being challenged....just thought id share my opinions on things...hope that helps and that no one gets offended....im sure they'll be some though
Hi All,

I had a rooster who tried that. Ya have to show you are the bigger meaner chicken in the flock. They are doing what comes naturally, protect their ladies. BUT, The coolest thing I ever used was one of those cardboard rolls that Christmas wrapping paper come on.. Save those tubes. They make sound that most critters understand when ya whack them without actually causing the critter any pain.. They quickly learn that you out reach them. It only took one pass at a running pace around chicken land to prove my point. he is a perfect gentleman to folks now.. Also works with Geese and other critters you can`t reach.

I got a sweet little keeshond from the pound years ago and she wanted to roam the neighborhood at every opportunity. I do not let my dogs roam.. I followed her into so many back yards I felt like I was friends with the whole neighborhood in one day..

I chased and chased her.. Finally it was close to Christmas, like now, and I looked up and there she was next door. I grabbed the wrapping paper roll and off I went. As soon as she saw me and that roll, she came right up and into the house and has never left the yard again. I did not have to say a word. I was stunned.. And I found, since buying our small farm, that it works with most critters..


Good luck, Peace and Blessings..
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I am really disturbed when people treat animals as if the animal has any idea that it is being cruel. It is an ANIMAL, roosters don't know what the hell they are doing. Why do people want retaliation so badly against an animal? I can live among people that choose to kill and eat their own animals, it is there choice even though I don't agree. I understand that there are roosters that people are not able to tame and need to be disciplined or dealt with in unpleasant ways. But why do so many people out there take so much pleasure in the act of killing and abusing animals? I keep my opinions to myself as much as I can on this forum, but there is no reason people need to be instigating fights. Obviously, the topic is posted because this person does NOT want to kill her rooster or they would have done it already. So why is it necessary to insult people you know will get offended? Is it necessary to post a picture of an axe covered in blood and feathers? I swear, I knew more mature people in grade school.
I am sorry that you are having problems.

I raise and work with game birds.

If you would want to split the shipping costs, I will gladly take your bird off your hands.

I have 50 acres and a nice big barn for the chickens. I let them all out in the morning and the they all go in in the evening.

Plenty of food, water and space.

I have two game roos that never see each other and I hardy ever have a rooster fight. My birds are way to busy wandering the property, eating and sleeping.

I promise a good home and any pics and upates you need.

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