Meat and egg chickens


7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
First let me say that I have some good dual purpose birds. I have 3 silver Laced Wyandotte, 3 Rhode Island Red, 1 Barred rock, 1 Golden Wyandotte. Im aware that when they are older they make good stew meat. But I dont want to eat stew all the time. I want some good meat and eggs. So im looking into getting some meat birds. So my question is will my current flock need to be separated from the meat birds. Im sure they eat different food so Im guessing they will need to be separate.
I would separate them from the meat birds. The layers will cannibalize the sluggish, slow moving cornish cross.
I have been playing with this idea, for next year. From what I have read, Deleware is a very good dual purpose hen that is designed to be a good meat bird too.
I raised my cornish cross with my layers. No problems if you have plenty of space and enough feeders and waterers for everyone to have access.
I raised my cornish cross with my layers. No problems if you have plenty of space and enough feeders and waterers for everyone to have access.
Do an advanced search on the word "cannibalize" in the meat bird section and you will find a number of people other than myself who have had their cornish cross cannibalized by hens.

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