Meat birds dropping like flies!!

I agree. At this point, we're just hoping to cut our losses. We bought the jumbo cornish X for the size, but I'm okay with game hen size too.

Incidentally, an autopsy was done on the last one, and no yellow fluid came out of the cavity. I just don't know what the issue is, other than possible overfeeding.

Husband is very discouraged and has said he's never doing this again. I hope he changes his mind.
Sorry to hear you are having such trouble. Perhaps if you can talk hubby into a slower growing meat bird next time you may have better luck.
I have been afraid to use the cornish x for those same reasons, and currently only have dual purpose breeds. Good luck to you!
WOW...sorry you had so much trouble!! I hope you can talk hubby into it again.

I am brand new to this whole chicken thing and we have 20 Cornish X right now that will be 5 weeks on Tuesday. So far so good. I kept mine on unrestricted feed for about the first week and then went to 12/12. I have noticed that since I raised their food and water up so they have to stand to eat and drink they don't just lay in front of the feeder and gorge themselves. Poor lazy fat little buggers are not happy that they have to stand up now. I also keep my feeders and my waterers on opposite sides of the coop so they have to walk some.

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