Meat ducks


Mar 8, 2023
South Carolina
To the experts in this forums. We are thinking to add ducks to our homes and hope you can give us suggestions what breeds. The main goal for ducks is the meat but getting an extra egg for consumption would be nice. Ideally the breed is sitting on the eggs and raising the next generation. We will look up on each breed. We plan to have them together in the run with the chickens if that is possible.

We are still investigating breeds, how to raise and take care of them. Any suggestions is welcome and experiences.
I would not keep them with chickens. Drakes will attempt to make with the hens and it could result in death due to the fact that drakes have penises not cloacas.
For your purposes I would suggest silver appleyard or saxony ducks. They're more expensive than your average Pekin but they're more prone to broodiness and they're better layers.

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