Meat Quail

Which should I get?

  • Jumbo Courtnix

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Texas A&M Courtnix

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We need a lot more breeding plans like that for quail. That is pretty much the idea in industrial dual purpose chickens, they crossed meat roosters and layer hens and selected the best for breeding.
I'm choosing the Jumbo Courtnix. I kind of thought bobwhites by they are more game-ish so I'll stick with Courtnix.
You may be pleasantly suprised regarding the egg production. It's my experience that each hen will lay an egg a day EVERY day once she gets started.
I want to assume that they will, BUT, I don't want to lose egg production by trying to bulk the birds up, so I will focus on the egg production with the hens and if there is no difference in egg production I will let size be a tie breaker. Possibly since I don't want to do a lot of cage swapping with the hens, I could average the weights for the hens of each cage and then use the heaviest cage of hens as the breeders rather than individuals. I just don't want them fighting all the time because I am moving hens from cage to cage, the hens will stay with hens from their own hatch from hatch to processing and the only moving will be when they switch from the brooder pens to the normal cages, and then when they get split into smaller groups to go in with the roos.
I'm choosing the Jumbo Courtnix. I kind of thought bobwhites by they are more game-ish so I'll stick with Courtnix.
Also, from what I've seen, a lot of places require permits to have Bobwhites as there are native populations pretty much everywhere, the Coturnix don't have native populations so they don't require a permit.
Kusanar, perhaps you could select the best laying females of standard Courtnix and males with good combs/head shape, and a good but not meat bird weight gain. Then bring in Jumbo males over the layers to create a decent dual purpose quail. They're all dual purpose, but a more efficient one.
Moby is one of the sharpest minds you'll run across.... If you're interested in genetics read his stuff, he's on a different level than most....

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