
no problem Ive been all day putting new fence up for the chickens they tore the holly hell out of the lawn last fall got to give it time to recover plus it was 65 today gave me a reason to hang out without the kids. If you ask for help they are all busy lol
I'll prob get the pic of my set up tomorow a for you to help me out with

haha about the kids! I wish it was nice here today! It was COOOLD!!! Bur bur bur! yesterday though was soo nice out!
LOL no i just changed the topic because i needed help with a waterer system he sent to me
it's pretty nifty Im just doing something wrong and it's not working lol
It so easy I did it in no time cut the quail in half put in a bowl with a little italian dressing for 15min then drain. covered bottom of glass pan with uncooked minute rice then a can of cream of chicken with a can of water over the rice stir. Then arrange quail halfs and back for 30 mins in 400 oven that all oh don't for get to salt and pepper them before baking


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