Medicine Advice


May 1, 2022
Hi everyone! The heavy rain in California did a number on two of my hens. The vet gave me antibiotics in pill form and anti-inflammatory liquid. One of my hens is pretty easy going and took both meds well. I just syringe feed it to her slowly on the side of her beak. She’s doing great now. The other hen is stubborn, moves around too much. I don’t have anyone to help, wrapping her up in a towel makes her wheeze and cough more, and she spits out anything I manage to put in her mouth. I did end up mixing her medicine with watermelon and she gobbles it up most of the time. Still, I want her to take all of the meds consistently. Any tips or food you can recommend to mix the medicine with?

*Again I can’t pick her up/restrain her for too long.

Thank you all and I hope we can get her better faster.
A lot of these answers are not helpful at all. I mentioned that I can’t hold her tight in any circumstances because she will start wheezing.
I separate the hen in my pen (you can use a dog crate or whatever you have handy) I make a small bowl with plain greek yogurt, a little feed, the meds and water, she'll gobble it up

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