Meet The Greek Peacock Gods Of PeaPen...

Ok here are some of the Goddesses of PeaPen

Hera - IB split Charcoal split Pied, mate to Hades:

Athena - IB Silver Pied, mate to Zues:

Aphrodite - India Blue Pied, mate to Hades:

More to come...

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Pretty ladies indeed
Here are the rest of the Goddesses of Pea Pen:

Artemis - White Hen, mate to Neptune

Thalia - India Blue white Eye, mate to Ares

Xena - White Spalding, currently in with Hades

Nyx - Purple BS split to White, mate to Cupid

Calliope - Bronze White Eye, mate to Poseidon

Charites - India Blue White Eye, mate to Eros

These are the current Goddesses of Pea Pen, there will be more next year as the younger ones reach maturity. The next Gods to be added next year will be Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes and Hyperion.
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