Meet "Ugly-stepsister" - ugliest hen I've ever seen, a mongrel red frizzle (?)

I would guess she is a Naked Neck/Cochin cross frizzle. Naked Necks were actually bred to have half of the feathering of regular chickens to make table preparation easier.
You all are wonderful, I am betting that we're there now in terms of it being one of those: frizzle/frizzle or frizzle/naked neck. I saw a naked neck when I picked them up and that was my only theory - first time seeing one, and I'm not going to lie it shocked me and sort of freaked me out. First instinct was to steer my kids away lol! (again no offense to naked neck lovers.)

I've just wanted to know or at least be close to knowing, I've been dying curious to know what someone more knowledgeable than me thinks. I think many of us get more attached to our chickens the more we're with them, naturally. I am betting I'll come to really appreciate how she looks ... until then, it's at least entertaining!

Now if only I could get her to not thrash like a rabid crazy chicken when I hold her...
There is nothing at all wrong with this bird. She is not the result of a frizzle x frizzle, she is not a naked neck frizzle and she doesnt look abnormal in any way, shape, or form. She looks to be an older hen, and she looks to be moulting. The feathers missing from her head are more than likely from being with a rooster who was an aggresive breeder, and from moulting. Her comb is very large and lopped, which is typical of older birds. I think you have nothing to worry about, give her time to drop all her feathers and get them back and she will look good as new. The other frizzle pullet you have, is AWESOME. Her color is amazing, and she is just an all around nice bird. I have been looking for decent Red Cochin or frizzles to breed, and wish I would have been so lucky to find a bird or two like her. Very pretty.

Yes she looks ... frumpy, and I don't think it's molting because it's been the exact same for over a month. I appreciate the feedback. She's so dang funny I chuckle when I see her. And she's so dang serious when she does her little chicken squat. I'm going to take a quick video of her crazy little face when she does and post it here sometime soon!
but I never could see what people see in the Frizzle/Sizzle-dizzle-izzle-ishness anyway
And chickens often moult for longer than 1 month, especially if they have a change in diet or arent getting the proper protein in the diet they already have. What you talking about when you say scraggly, is her feathers look a bit rough, as compared to the other birds feathers which are soft looking and plush. This is probably due to feather quality. Most Red frizzles dont have great feather quality, because most are from hatcheries and they dont really focus on things like feather quality. She is nice looking bird none the less.

After lots of time researching and so on, I believe she is in fact a frizzle/frizzle, AKA "frazzle" AKA "extreme frizzle" in addition to any age and moulting etc.

When I found this article on I was like "oh my gosh, this looks EXACTLY like mine in all of her .... er, special ways she is different!" So I'm going to rest it at that, I feel very lucky that somebody shared these pics and of a chicken that looks almost identical to mine. I'm calling her a frazzle. Thanks again all. I really appreciate everything.

These are the pics from that site:





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