Men - rant, rant, rant - at least MY man

Guys really can think of nothing.. but it isn't our fault, our brains are just wired differently.. You really need to go watch this video to see the difference between how men and women think.. You'll die laughing!!

clothes, jewelry, and perfume are boring to me...I'd rather have a game system so I could practice all day while your at work and then play against ya when you get home and win so I could dance around saying I'm the winner! I'm the winner!
Ok, (steps up to the podium)...

Men and women are very different creatures. I know this comes as a shock to ya all.

Many women (not all) think gifts mean a guy loves you or no gift means he doesn't. That is just not true. Most men show love by doing things for you. Service is a love language very common among us menfolk. Kind words are another.

So often a man will do all the manly things but screw up on the gift thing. Their significant other will focus on the gift and ignore all the other things. Not only does this cause hurt feelings but somewhere down the line it will usually kill the relationship too.

A member here recommended a book by Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages. I can honestly say this book and the several others of Gary's I've read have been life changing for me. (Non Christians can just filter out the biblical references. Gary is a therapist and anthropologist in addition to a Christian)

For me the gift garbage is just that, garbage. I've been given gifts from friends, some I met here on BYC, that blew me away. They were gifts of love. However, gifts on Christmas are offensive to me. They rob the spiritual nature of the day and add stress, especially financial, to our already stressed out lives. If I'm ever in a serious relationship again, however doubtful that may be, I hope that me and my SO will give each other the gift of love and respect and give gifts to others that need them, not buy trinkets we feel obligated to go rack up our credit cards for.

Ok, stepping down.
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Hey, I'll buy that
yeah right

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