Men - rant, rant, rant - at least MY man

In related news, i bought my sister an iron for christmas. that almost falls under the "seriously?!" header, except for how she LOVES to sew and quilt and her iron sucks. I had joked that I should buy her an iron for christmas and she was actually excited about it. So I got her a professional iron, new ironing cover (scorch resistent lol) and iron holder thingy. She'll be thrilled haaaaaa.....
I get that too - gifts just out of the blue for no reason. Love it. One of my favorite gifts was from my ex (he wasn't ex at the time, of course): a screwdriver. One of those kewl ones with all the different bits in the handle. I loved it because it showed he took me seriously as a geek.

I don't care what a gift is as long as it shows that someone put some thought about *me* into it. Just as I try to think about the person I'm buying for, not just some generic crap that could work for anyone.
Be happy your man buys you gifts at all. Mine swears holidays are just the Governments way of making people go out and spend money.

Not only does he not give gifts, he whines if you get him anything saying he doesn't need it. After years and years of trying to give him something he would like, and worrying about him being grumpy about my choice. He got a pack of socks, and a pack of his favorite candy this year. Thats it.
Buy yourself gifts. It's more fun most of the time. You always get what you wanted, that way, within the confines of your budget, at least.
After receiving a nice new refrigerator for my birthday one year, "To Mom from Dad and kids," I decided to return the thoughtfulness at Christmas. DH got a new coffee pot, sons got: toaster, blender, electric can opener. They were so appreciative ....

I've never got another appliance since...........
In that case, why not fix him a plate full of "deviled eggs"????
(sure glad I'm a single guy-too old to run to the chickencoop anymore)

nah. I know how he is, so I just buy myself something I want and tell him "you got me this for [whatever I'm celebrating]"
he does love me, he just isn't into celebrations much.
Just because it's true doesn't mean you need to be posting it all over a public forum.

Oh I meant everyman except PC
somehow I could see you NOT doing that
for Dh this year I got him

a new set of dishes-two cookie sheets- two frying pans-a huge down pillow-socks-underwear-bottle of his favorite vodka-package of his favorite chocolate-new coffee mugs.. He asked for all this stuff I swear! front of everyone at Tday dinner he said his list--we have needed that stuff forever but we had old stuff that worked fine-he hated it so I caved and bought what we needed-what HE wanted...Hope I dont get wacked when he opens it aLL:)

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