
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Have you stopped by our Learning Center yet? Lots of great articles on all the aspects of keeping poultry. And of course you can search our archives with questions. And feel free to ask any questions you may have out in the forums!
Hi Deb
what do you want to learn? any specific topics that you're interested in ? Perhaps I can direct you to one of our experts on a certain subject.
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I want to look at someone coop run set up or have them look at mine and give me pointers on my system to improve it and make sure im doing this right. I have read so many contradicting posts that now im not sure of what im doing. I have books i got and read cover to cover but information is still contradicting
My husband and i built a chicken coop from the ground up. Now i know i did 2 thing wrong on it. One can be corrected but neither of us can do it now. From using DE to not because i learned it causes respiratory issues after i already used it. From feeders to waterers. From feed to vaccinations. You name it. Their is so much contradicting information out there. It makes ones head spin.
I am now just trying to ferment my feed but im seeing a lower rate of eggs since i started. And i think i saw a loose poopy bottom today. I will have to check that tomorrow morning. I guess with all the contradicting info out there im nervous that um doing all wrong
Okay we can help solve those problems ! go over to the "raising backyard chickens" Forum and select "coops and runs building and construction". then post some pictures of your problem and we will help this solve it. not a problem . people do it all the time.

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