Message from Dave 27889's wife regarding Dave's health

Abba Father thank You that we can come right to You for our helps and needs, wants and desires. We lift Dave up to You and ask that Your will be done in Your perfect timing. Holy Spirit, move over this family, and give peace. All glory to You, Lord! Thank You for already having a plan. All asked in Jesus' name, Amen!

thank you for updating Nancy!
My father was diabetic and had kidney disease.

It's a hard thing to live with and very hard to see your loved one hurting and having problems getting along in life.

I gather here with the rest of God's flock to lift Dave and Polly and their loved ones up in prayer, so that they can feel the love of God Almighty raining down on them today and in the days, months, and years Jesus' Holy name we pray. Amen.

Love in Christ,
Just an update about dave27889. This is Paula dave's wife. He wants to thank all for the thoughts and prayers. Dave is doing better and things are coming back to where they should be. They are not all the way but getting better. Staying in the bed is killing him he wants to move about because just lying hurts his legs and back. They say he is going to have to have back surgery sometime in the next couple of months if he wants to reduce his back pain. He has already had 4 major operation on his back and this one is going to be a dandy. He will be in a hospital bed at home if and when he gets the operation for at least 3 to 4 months and in a full body cast. He has had a simular operation before but not quite this bad.
His diabeties is coming down and he is off the insulin shots and just taking the pills for now. I told him the sweet tea was going to get him but he would not listen. His blood sugar was in the low 7oo's when he got to the hospital and it is now down to 180 or so. The other stuff is also better and he is greatful for all the prayers and kind words.
I will keep you updated on his ID so you can keep in touch. Still no time for him to come home yet but hopefuly by this Friday. Thank you to Bargain for starting this and to all of the other people here also. Dave misses talking to all of you. Take care and bless all of you, Polly Dave's wife.
and prayers
I too am diabetic and the sweet tea does sneak up on ya so tell Dave to start drinking unsweet with some lemon it in and hopefully he will be happy with it. Take Care!!

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