Message from Dave 27889's wife regarding Dave's health

Consider it done.
Real quick note about Dave. Things are about the same. We are taking each day one at a time. We want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Looks like Dave will come home on Tuesday God Willing, we have several things to get ready at the house. He will be in a hospital bed at home for a while. Not completley bed bound but not able to get around like he use to.
We will get by as we all do but it is really nice of all of you to do the things you have done for us. The prayers mean a lot to the whole family and we really do appreciate them.
I will continue to post for my loving Hubby and please send any thoughts or messages to his ID dave27889. I really don't go to mine much polly the farmers wife. I do need to add that I was late sending out some payments for dave. Things were in a mess and stuff got miss placed and plain forgottn and for that we are truly sorry. They are in the mail as we speak as I dropped the payments off at the local post office today. They won't go out until Saturday but at least they are on the way.
I have just a couple of other things. We have chicks coming on Sunday. I have seen Dave take care of things and I think the kids and I can get things done. I may need some help so if you see dave27889 online it will be me. Please help with info if you can.

Thanks again and you are all truly special people and may God bless all of you and your families. I am going to bed now but just needed to get this out there. Bless you all, The Woolard family
Lord, thank You that You already have an awesome plan for Dave! Keep touching his family and his health. Give his wife and children wisdom and discernment with the new chicks coming. Holy Spirit, sweep through their home. Fire on each one of their heads for You. I ask believing like David Lord-expecting! In Jesus' name amen!

the stripes already provided for this situation!

if you have chick questions or need help, please feel free to email, pm or call me anytime. i am usually home every day.

i will send you a pm with my info also.

God bless you and keep you.
Update from Dave's wife: Things are still not settled with his back and the doctors are saying if he does not do something SOON he will have major problems. A doctor they were going to see in Raleigh, NC is coming to see Dave and give his opinion. He is a friend of a very good friend of ours and will most likely do the operation on Dave. Please pray for Polly as much is going on that needs her prayer as well, with her kids and husband care.

Right now Lord I pray your encouragement to Polly and Dave and all their family and friends. Lead Dave to the right answer for his medical situation. Lord we pray for physical comfort and healing. Please Lord surround all persons around him with wisdom and discretion and guide their ways. In Jesus Name. Amen .

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